Term 2, Week 2, 10 May
What's On @ MacKillop
Week 3 | |
Monday 13 May | AFL North Coast Regional Final, Sawtell, All Day |
Tuesday 14 May | NSWCCC Basketball Opens - Sutherland, Day 3 |
Wednesday 15 May | da Vinci Decathlon, Years 7 & 8 |
Thursday 16 May | Bioblitz 2024, Shelly Beach, 9.00am -1.35pm |
Friday 17 May | Diocesan Cross Country, All Day, Clarenza |
Week 4 | |
Monday 20 May | NSWCCC Hockey Championships, Bathurst, Day 1 |
Tuesday 21 May | NSWCCC Hockey Championships, Bathurst, Day 2 |
Wednesday 22 May | NSWCCC Rugby League Girls 16s & 18s, Day 2 |
Thursday 23 May | |
Friday 24 May | NSWCCC Rugby League Boys 15s & 18s, Day 1 |
Mothers’ Day
I’d like to begin this fortnight’s newsletter by wishing all our mums, stepmums, grandmothers, and all those who play a maternal role in the lives of our young people’s lives a wonderful day on Sunday.
While I have been very fortunate over my thirty-year teaching career to have received many lovely comments and gestures of gratitude, I can honestly say the one that always pulls at my heartstrings the most is when a young person has said, or written, ‘thank you for being my other mum’. Being a stepmum to three awesome 20-something-year-olds, I appreciate the significant honour it is to be a mum ‘or other mum’. (Secretly very keen to be a grandmother too, but not telling the three big kids that yet!) To all our MacKillop mums, we thank you for the unconditional love and endless support you give your sons and daughters and for allowing us to partner with you in raising your children.
Below is an extract from my favourite hymn, Gentle Woman. May God bless each of you as you continue to teach your children wisdom and love.
Gentle woman, quiet light,
Morning star, so strong and bright,
gentle mother, peaceful dove,
Teach us wisdom; teach us love.
Blessed are you among women,
blest in turn all women, too.
Blessed them with peaceful spirits.
Blessed them with gentle hearts.
My Term 1 Break
Once again, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of Christine Harmer and the staff as they took care of the college during my long service leave in term 1. I had a wonderful break, had some opportunity to travel to Tasmania, Fiji, the USA, and the Gold Coast, and spent three wonderful weekends in the Hunter Valley with family and friends. Best of all, I had the opportunity to spend 2 uninterrupted weeks with my mum on the Central Coast and even had the opportunity to do drop-offs and pick-ups for my 6 and 9-year-old great-nieces.
Still, despite such a great time, I can honestly say I missed the MacKillop community, and it has been great to be back these last two weeks. I look forward to catching up with parents in the coming weeks and enjoying the playground chatter with our awesome students.
Tell Them From Me Survey
We are inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey below. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at MacKillop College.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
Parents and protecting young people from sexual extortion
Parents would have read and viewed the news recently on increasing incidences of young people being extorted as a result of posting or sharing sexual images on social media. Sadly, this has even resulted in young people committing suicide due to feeling trapped by these predators. In many incidents, the perpetrators are pretending to be teenagers themselves, sharing a fake image of themselves, requesting a reciprocal image be sent, hacking into accounts and contact lists, and then demanding money, otherwise threatening to share the image with the young person's family and friends.
It is important that parents and families have these conversations with their children, giving real-life examples so that the young person realises this isn’t just mum or dad being overly concerned.
For more links to support those conversations, go to
Regional Arts Exchange Programme
Congratulations to the MacKillop College staff and students involved in the NSW Regional Arts Exchange Programme.
This programme brought together students from seven schools to create a collaborative piece called Forest Fantasia. The piece was chosen by the students who used recyclable materials to create a vibrant depiction of their love of art and nature.
Last week, Mrs. Christine Harmer and Art Teacher Ms. Brooke Ryan had the privilege of attending the unveiling of the artwork in Sydney.

Ironman, congratulations and thank you.
Congratulations to Year 12 student Andie McGrath, who, amongst her HSC studies, has found time to train and successfully complete the Australian Ironman 70.3 event.
Congratulations, and thank you also to over 100 students and staff who volunteered. A special mention goes to Year 9 student Ewen, who was involved in the rescue of a struggling swimmer during the event. To the students who helped out at the MacKillop organised aid station, it was a pleasure to spend the day with you, and you can see from the athlete comments below that your efforts were greatly appreciated.
“Could you please pass on that the volunteers at the Golf Club bike aid station were incredible? The assistance they gave us (after a lot of big hills) was fantastic, especially the girls playing music and cheering extra loud. Please pass on my thanks. Support from staff and students like them makes days like this happen.”
‘The young ones out at the golf club even offered to restock my bike while I was preoccupied (using the toilet). Their effort was at the at the next level. Thank you.”
“Please share with your staff and students and let them know how awesome they are. Congratulations on a job well done, and thank you, MacKillop College.”
The St Agnes’ Foundation
The St Agnes’ Foundation (www.stagnesparish.org.au/giving) is always on the lookout for ways to raise funds to help those in need in our community and continue the good work of the Foundation. We have therefore recently partnered with the Ritchies Community Benefit Programme and would love for you to get behind this initiative, especially if you shop at Ritchies IGA already.
How does it work?
- You can download the Ritchies app or pick up a Ritchies card in store and register it online.
- Nominate St Agnes’ Foundation as the beneficiary.
- Shop at Ritchies (Australia-wide), and 0.5% of your purchases will go to St Agnes’ Foundation.
- The more members and supporters who then shop and use the card or app, the more donation dollars the foundation will receive!
Please share this with your friends and families; together, we really do make a big difference!

Cath Eichmann
Assistant Principal, Mission
Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Faith or become Catholic? Join us at our Journey into the Catholic Fait
If you cannot make Tuesday afternoons, you can catch up with the College Youth Minister, Christa Morrow, during the week or attend the session at St Joseph's Regional College or the Youth Hub. To find out more information and register for the program Journey into the
Peter Murphy
Assistant Principal, Mission
Assistant Principal, Pastoral
MacKillop College aims to have all students ‘achieve the fullness of life’ or, in other words, to thrive. #weThrive is the cornerstone of our wellbeing program, and I would like to share with parents and carers many of the initiatives that have occurred in term one at MacKillop in the wellbeing space.
I will not be able to share everything that has happened, as many of our everyday interactions and classroom practices also enhance wellbeing and aid students in thriving, but along with sharing some of our whole school focus areas, I will also include some links to resources that may be helpful to you as carers for our young people.
To welcome new families to the school and touch base with those entering Stages 5 and 6 we began the year with our #weThrive Conversations. By forging a positive relationship between students, families and school we value getting to know each other, set up open and honest communication, and build connection and belonging.
Another start of the year initiative was our Vaping Awareness and Prevention Program which aimed to address an ever increasing anti-social practice that is heavily impacting our young people. This program raised awareness, clarified information and highlighted the hidden and overt dangers of vaping. By preparing our students to look critically at the role of advertisers, suppliers and medical professionals we are up-skilling them to use these same techniques in many areas of their lives and thus become more fully informed and active decision makers. Term 2 will see this program delivered to our final year group, Year 7, and also to our parents and carers.
Our senior students participated in ElevateEducation’s Study Skills seminars, where they shared strategies to promote good study habits and tips on organisation and time management. Many of our parents also joined the online seminar to learn how to best support your child in their senior years. Years 11 and 12 also learned about road safety through the hard-hitting You Choose program. Respectful relationships, healthy masculinity, the impact of pornography and the issue of consent were all covered in a YourChoicez workshop with David and Katie Kobler.
Year 7 spent time getting to know each other, their PC teachers and our Parish community on their Belonging Day and Year 10 shared some time together developing spiritual and community connections and looking toward their future selves at the Year 10 Retreat.
One new initiative has been the introduction of lunch time activities hopeful of bringing together students who share a similar interest but are unfamiliar with one another. Term 1 saw a Girls’ Club in full swing with lots of chatter, learning of new skills like crochet and knitting and positive interactions among girls from different year groups. Term 2 will see CheckMates up and running for those keen on a chess competition and Just Dance! available for those wanting to show some creative flair and signature dance moves.
At our most recent assembly students were addressed by Steven Jeffries, the Police Youth Liaison Officer, about Online Safety. He spoke about online dangers such as receiving and sharing harmful or illegal content, social networking and gaming pitfalls and reminded students of ways to ensure they remained safe online. Parents can find resources to assist in conversations with their children at ThinkUKnow
Another great parent resource available is SafeOnSocial which provides knowledge and guidance about the online world of social media, gaming and keeping your identity safe.
Our wellbeing check-in system, Pulse, continues to operate this year. Students check-in weekly to note ‘How they are feeling this morning’ and to provide feedback on their experience in six wellbeing domains. The check-in provides an opportunity for students to reach out for support if needed and offers data for the school to respond with interventions in any of the domain areas. In response to term 1 feedback we will introduce two new interventions centred on healthy nutrition and lifestyle and managing stress/balancing our lives.
Finally, I would like to commend all students who volunteered at the Ironman competition on the weekend. Our school supported aid station was fully manned by enthusiastic young people putting into practice our school value of Community. When we give to others we receive much back. A very sincere thanks to all volunteers.
Your child’s Pastoral Care teacher and Leader of Pastoral Care are here to support them in any wellbeing area, please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any concerns about their wellbeing.
Jennifer Campbell
Assistant Principal, Pastoral
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Resources

Leader of Curriculum
In my new role as Leader of Curriculum, my current focus revolves around updating assessment calendars, crucial tools crafted to aid students in effectively planning and managing their time for optimal performance during assessments.
These calendars are conveniently accessible through Compass via the School Favourites tab. For our Year 12 cohort, it's essential to highlight the release of the 2024 HSC timetable by NESA. Students can access this via the provided link HSC written exam timetable or through their personalised schedules on Schools Online.
Christine Harmer
Leader of Curriculum
Year 7
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term 2 to all students and families! It is wonderful to see how easily Year 7 has settled back into the routine of school. It is a pleasure to see students reconnect with their friends on the playground and be so positive about continuing their learning experiences with peers and teachers in class.
The start of a new term is the perfect time for a check-in with your young person, both emotionally and academically, and a great time to focus on what we want to achieve over the next 10 weeks. During the break, you would have had the opportunity to sit down with your child and read their Term 1 Student Learning Profile. I encourage parents and carers to have some honest conversations with their child about what their strengths are and how they can continue to build on and use these strengths to improve areas of weakness.
School Photos
What a wonderful group of well-presented young people! Year 7’s Code of Presentation was impeccable for their formal school photo and will be an important record of their first year at high school and a cherished memory, I’m sure, in the future. If your child was absent today, they should wear their white uniform (and pack their sports uniform to change into if they have sport) on Friday, May 24, as this is when catch-up photos will be held.
Volleyball Competition
In the second half of Term 1, Year 7 enjoyed their PC Volleyball competition. Year 7 is to be congratulated for the way they got involved and how well they worked together as PC groups. Congratulations to 7 Flinders 1, who were the overall winners.
Thank you to Ms Bewicke and the SRC for running this great competition.
Extended PC
In Week 11 of Term 1, Year 7 completed a character strength spotting activity in the pastoral groups. Each Year 7 student has completed a Character Strengths survey in Term 1 that gave them a list of their top strengths.
The character strength spotting activity was a chance to work together in their pastoral care classes and to work out how they could use their character strengths at school and in their lives to be the best version of themselves.
Lots of great teamwork and community building were on display as they had great fun working out each challenge together as a group of five. Congratulations to each class winner who was rewarded with some lollipops for their efforts.
Year 7 Extended PC

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal’s Award: Breanna Butt, Johnny Davidson, Amelia Dekker, Madison Flowers, Lilly Fraser, Liam Friend, Elliott Geddes, Chelsea Hodges, Brady Keane, Sofia McNeil, Adler Robinson, James Rohr, Nathaniel Sun Zhong & Amelia Williams.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award:
Tom Abell, Millie Andrew, Summer Baker, Esther Ballard, Harrison Bemmann, Ellis Bibel, Harrison Blackman, Alexander Boath, Malakai Brown, Christopher Bullock, Breanna Butt, Mason Campbell, Stella Clark, Bronte Cross, Johnny Davidson, Ruby Davies, Sebastian De Somma, Amelia Dekker, Tyler Dutton, Alice Eakin, Indi Easton, William Ebbs, Salvador Fairley, Jack Fennell, Madison Flowers, Hugh Francis Borja, Lilly Fraser, Liam Friend, Anna Gardiner, Oscar Garvey, Elliott Geddes, Julian Geddes, Beau Graham, Elise Grein, Maya Griffiths, Hamish Guihot, Mitchell Hagenbach, Angus Hawken, Francesca Healey, Paige Heery, Chelsea Hodges, Zy Hogan, Liam Holding, Hazel Horwood, Ellie Howard, Charley Kaddatz, Lila Karam, Brady Keane, Samuel King, Jemma Kowalewski, Sophie Lawrence, Sebastien Ledbrook, Reuben Lucey, Maria Mariott Mariucci, Bethany Martin, Eliana Martino, Torie Matheson, Antonia McEntyre, Trinity McIlroy, Sofia McNeil, Lily Meredith, Charlotte Miles, Karsanth Mohanaranjan, Keira Moore, Joshua Mullen, Meela Munro, Annaliese Murphy, Sonny Nasso, Milly Osborne, Charlotte Pascua, Taj Patterson, Natasha Pirnie, Felix Plowright, Nikita Poltorasky, Thomas Robb, Chloe Robertson, Adler Robinson, James Rohr, Akshara Sanaw, Chance Schmatloch, Max Schneider, Tuaka Smith, Hudson Sprague, Nathaniel Sun Zhong, Braxton Sutherland, Olive Tait, Samuel Tarbox, Zachary Thomas, Olivia Tian Lan Chung, Alexander Vaquerisaz Canivilo, Dhiya Varsani, Joslyn Wake, Summer Waller, Layla Ward, Sophia Ward, Elijah Westbrook, Amelia Williams, Cody Winter & Brooke Young.Ryan Adams
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
Welcome Back
A warm welcome back to Term 2 for students and families! It is wonderful to see Year 8 students settling back into the routine of school, glad to reconnect with their friends in the playground, and positive about continuing their learning experiences with peers and teachers in class.
With two weeks under our belts, hopefully, students are in the groove of school routines, striving for their personal best this term and making the most of what is on offer at the college.
Effective Communication
Effective communication between parents and students is the cornerstone of positive wellbeing within families and schools. Clear and open lines of communication foster trust, understanding, and support, creating an environment where children feel valued and heard. When parents and their children can communicate effectively, they can address challenges, celebrate successes, and navigate obstacles together. This brief video from Reach Out Schools outlines some good tips for navigating difficult conversations with your young person.
As the winter weather sets in, please make sure your young person has the appropriate school uniform ready to go.
PS: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and carers out there who do so much for our young people. You are always appreciated.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principals Award: Baxter Allison, Grace Ashton, Annabelle Ashton (x2), Kayla Bayer, Ruby Cramp, Harrison Ebbs (x2), Sienna Goldie, Isaac Green, Bianca Harrison, Maxine Smith, Tahlia Thompson, Zoe Townsend, Isabella White & Cody Williams.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Samrina Adhikari, Baxter Allison, Jasmine Anastas (x2), Grace Ashton, Annabelle Ashton (x2), Jayden Atkins, Liam Ayres, Joshua Ball, Kayla Bayer, Piper Brennan-Riley, Connor Bridle, Angus Browning, Lachlan Bryant, Alyra Buckley, Siena Button, Grace Byrne, Millie Byrne, Abigail Byrne, Patrick Byrne, Georgie Carlton, Leila Castles, Callum Clancy, Emily Cook, Aaron Cotovich, Ruby Cramp, Kaylie Dawson, James Dwyer, Harrison Ebbs (x2), Olivia Edmund, Layla Fel, Thomas Fiene, Lucy Ford, Ruby Ford, Iestyn Gallagher, Indie Gardoll-Marjoribanks, Riley Garel, Sienna Goldie, Joshua Goldie, Maeve Gornall, Isaac Green, Lachlan Guy, Bianca Harrison, Bailey Haste, Isabella Hawkins, Matisse Hazelton-Kelly, Josette Hoffman, Evelyn Hope, James Hunt, Tia Judge, Milla Kelly, Iluka Kincaid, Amelia Konstantas, Jack Lacey, Tobi Lawler, Shannon Lee Lusung, Joshua Lloyd, Indy Lorger, Nicholas Maetzig, Hayden Manning, Lillie Merrell, Blake Mitchell, Abby Moloney, Taylor Munday, Charlotte Newman, Amelie Obeid, Eamon O'Sullivan, Oliver Parker, Digby Pearce, Livia Pelley, Maya Perry, Amelia Pettitt, Lucy Pratt, Maya Pryce-Boylan, Xavier Pye, Chloe Ribot De Bressac, Jake Riches, Addison Rolfe, Benjamin Romer, Remi Rooney, Liam Ryals, Zali Santos, Nikki Seears, Sophia Sivell, Andrew Slavin, Maxine Smith, Tora Smith, Tahlia Sutherland, Mark Temple (x2), Tyler Temporale, Tahlia Thompson, Evie Thomson (x2), Eli Tink, Troy Towers, Zoe Townsend, Mackenzie Trimmer, Aleisha Van Lint, Liliana Vaquerisaz Canivilo, Aria Varghese, Nickson Vatalidis, Nathaniel Walsh Lachlan Walters, Tianah Wehlow, Jaysen Wei, Isabella White, Georgia White, Ruby Williams, Maya Williams, Cody Williams, Locke Williamson & Sophia Wilmot.
Adam O’Brien
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
Welcome to another very busy term with various opportunities for Year 9 students to build their knowledge, skills, talents, and interests. Your support from home is appreciated and vital in helping our young people be organised and ready to achieve personal success for their learning and assessments, co-curricular activities, and sporting commitments while maintaining a healthy sleeping routine and lifestyle with time for leisure.
Year 9 has been urged to examine their commitment to learning reports accessible on Compass. At our year meeting, I demonstrated how they can look at the data to set targets for progress and request they share these with their PC teacher via a Google Form so that may be supported in working towards these goals as at the end of this semester, commitment to learning and semester grades will be included in their school report.
Please see the document students are alerted to in order to set Term 2 targets for progress.
In many of their classes, students have resumed continuing topics thus, it is important students transition quickly into class routines, be ready to learn and meet school codes of behaviour to:
- allow teachers to teach;
- allow other students to learn and
- allow themselves to learn.
After making attempts to build relationships and reaffirm classroom routines, class teachers are encouraged to record instances in Compass when:
- A student is late for class.
- A student does not complete work.
- A student does not have the correct equipment.
- a student is not following instruction; or
- A student is using a device inappropriately.
Parents and carers are encouraged to address concerns alerted in Compass with their child so we can work in partnership to mitigate emergent issues from becoming larger concerns.
Week 3
- Wednesday, May 15: Extended PC: Tell Them From Me Survey, Timber (HI).
- Thursday, May 16: iSTEM (HI/IC).
- Friday, May 17: Out of Uniform Day: Legal Justice Fund fundraiser.
The MacKillop Legal Justice Fund was set up in 2016 as a response to the very prevalent issue of domestic violence in the Hastings area and is the brainchild of the Legal Studies teacher, Mrs Nicole Bailey, along with her dedicated HSC students. Since its inception, the fund has raised over $40,000 for victims in the Hastings region.
This year, the theme is “Shine a light, wear white." All students are asked to dress appropriately in white (or with some white) and bring in a $2 donation and cash to purchase an amazing selection of cakes, brownies, and sweet treats! Soft drinks are also for sale at Lunch 1 on the junior site.
Week 4
- Monday, 20 May: Pass (IC) P1/P3
- Friday, May 24: English (IC) P3: Film Essay: “Sweet As”
The Year 9 PC Team will keenly continue to work with each of our Year 9s to help them grow as they navigate their spiritual, academic, social, and emotional wellbeing in school life. Please continue to reach out to the PC teacher or me about any issues you feel will help us support your young person’s personal growth.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal’s Award: Ethan Carey, Samantha Carr, Max Choi, Leeann Clint, Blaze Colthorpe, Paige Goldie, Poppi Maltman, Tori McGrath, Eli O'Bryan, Isabelle Reed & Ava Ribot De Bressac.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Ziva Balkin, Diarmuid Barltrop, Khye Bibby, Analiese Bishop, Lucas Boath, Billy Brockhouse, Scarlet Brooke, Samuel Browne, Ethan Carey, Samantha Carr, Meela Castle, Max Choi, William Clark, Leeann Clint, James Cockshutt, Ivy Collins, Blaze Colthorpe, Dasha Cressida Bayot, Ayla Cross, Hunter Davis, Taj Davis, Allie Donohoe, Xavier Dunn, Matilda Elford, Rhys Evans, Luke Everson, Gemirah Fernando, Joshua Freeman, Elijah Geddes, Luca Giddins, Paige Goldie, Rafferty Gordon, Hannah Gresswell, Anna Harmer, Riley Harris, Julia Helena Streegan, Macey Hender, Olly Henry, Ryder Higgins, Adam Hines, Camille Hostettler, Caitlyn Hucker, Gracie Huxley, Caitlyn Inman, Madeline Innes, Jessie James, Tallulah Jones, Rhys Kendal, Sophie Kirkpatrick, Layley Lewis, Kayden Madden, Lucas Maher, Poppi Maltman, Lucas Manning, Poppy Mason, Ewan McAllister, Charlotte McEntyre, Jack McGrath, Tori McGrath, Amber McIlroy, Alyssa McNamara, Tahlia-Lucy Merrett-Sivell, Lucas Merrick, Darcy Middleton, Arliah Morris, Lucas Morris, Claire Morris, Lily Moseley, Amarni Munro-Blanch, Ruby Napier, Ally Newton, Neave O'Brien, Eli O'Bryan, Maici O'Keefe, Noah Pociask, Isabelle Reed, Ava Ribot De Bressac, Hayley Rickard, Lillian Robertson, Lacey Ryan, Alex Saunders, Aiden Scarff, Makayla Smith, Archie Spitzer, Ashleigh Strong, Jesse Taylor, Charlotte Taylor, Marley Thick, Kate Thompson, Imogen Thompson, Joey Thompson, Olivia Thompson, Faith Urquhart, Jude Vasilescu, Albie Watson, William Whicker, Addison Williams, Isaac Woolfe & Daniel Zhong.
Lastly (but never least) for all women in their role of motherhood, Happy Mother’s Day:
Lord, bless all women in their role of motherhood abundantly
and may the work of their hands be forever cherished in Your sight.
We thank You for choosing them for us.
Grant them strength, patience and endless love
as they nurture and guide their families.
Let a mother’s example to her child
be a beacon that guides them through life’s challenges and joys.
Nicole O’Connell
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10
Welcome back to Term 2!
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope everyone had a restful break and is ready for another exciting term ahead. In our recent year meeting, students were reminded of the importance of maintaining high attendance and actively engaging in their learning every day. Let's all strive for progress and success together this term!
Happy Mother's Day!
As Mother's Day approaches, we take this opportunity to celebrate and honour the incredible women who inspire us with their love and strength. To all mothers, thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. We wish you a joyful Mother's Day filled with love and appreciation!
Maintaining Standards
I would like to emphasise the importance of upholding our standards across all aspects of college life as we enter the cooler months. This includes attendance, classwork, behaviour, and uniform. Students are reminded to wear only the approved MacKillop College jumpers and jackets while on campus. Hoodies, visible undershirts, or non-college attire should not be worn. Let's all contribute to a respectful and disciplined environment at our college.

Upcoming events for your awareness
- May 16, 17, and 20: Minimum Standards Testing
- May 21: Midcoast Career Market
- June 6 and 7: PASS excursion
Congratulations to the following students who receive a Silver Principal’s Award: Lara Woolfe.
Congratulations to the following students who received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Hailie Attwells, Riley Bates, Summer Bink, Paxton Blake, Olivia Blake, Audrey Blake, Lilly Blundell, Zora Boskovski, Alexandra Bransdon, Ryan Brumby, Abby Buttsworth, Ryan Campbell, Dylan Day, Aiden Finch, Zac Fonyodi, Harrison Foster, Amarni Francis, Grace Galway, Noah Gunn, Luke Jones, Lane Jordan, Chloe, Kapila, Spencer Lee, Zeilei Lynn, Zachary Madeley, Jarrod Manning, Jackson Mayne, Connor McAusland, Ciarran McCallum, Daniel Mercer, Micaela Mitchell, Mikaeli Morgan, India Murray, Marley Nasso, Noah Nelson, Sienna Neumann, Laura Norris, Tully Paterson, Madeline Poulton, Amelia Queripel, Zsofia Rohr, Mia Ryall, Angus Saidey, Kye Smith, Jorja Smith, Sienna Spicer, Milla Swain, Lacey Urquhart, Connor Van Der Merwe, Eleanor Vickers, Austin Watson, Charlotte Weatherley, Clare Wilcox, Estelle Williams, Lara Woolfe, Oliver Wootton & PJ Wright.
Tom Salter
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11
A warm welcome back to all Year 11 students and families. An especially warm welcome to Scott Qurusu (11PC5) and a welcome back to Isabel Johnston (11PC1). In Dan O'Dell's absence, I will be assisting in the role of Acting Leader of Pastoral Care as he awaits the birth of his first child. It's a real privilege to work with this year group again, and I look forward to helping them on their journeys through the first half of this term.
The start of this term is a really important time to shape good habits around how students best use the feedback provided to them from their assessment tasks from the end of the last term or the start of this one. Feedback is very important to learning (an effect size of 0.7 as per John Hattie's meta-analyses of factors affecting student achievement), but all the feedback in the world is not helpful unless there is a willingness to hear it, reflect upon it, and formulate a plan to consciously act upon it.
I recently shared an article with Year 11 students and parents from the Harvard Business Review entitled The Right Way to Process Feedback. While not all aspects of the article are necessarily relevant, the ideas of point, process, and proceed really struck a chord with me, as students are often focused (and emotionally charged) by the assessment mark they receive, can be closed to feedback (and looking for ways to "get more marks"), and don't use the valuable comments provided to improve the quality of their work. This is really understandable, as a number of students find it hard to separate the feedback on their work from their inherent value as people. This is a skill that adults find challenging at the best of times, and so it's no surprise that our Year 11 students can also find this difficult. We will continue to talk about how we can receive and act upon feedback in our upcoming year meetings as a way of helping their 'future selves'.
Year 11 will celebrate Mass together in the chapel next Wednesday (Week 3). It is a fantastic opportunity to stop together as a faith community and give thanks for all the good things we have in our lives. There are still a number of roles available as part of the celebration that students can volunteer to complete in PC. A reminder to please arrive at PC promptly in the morning (as students do every day) to ensure we can celebrate this special occasion together.
On Thursday, April 11, Year 11 Ancient History students went outside to map out the dimensions of Tutankhamun's Tomb. They were divided into 3 groups, focusing on 1 section of the tomb each, and given an extract with the dimensions as well as chalk and a tape measure. Each group had to work together to ensure their section met with the others. Once they completed the layout, they had to draw on diagrams or labels of some of the tomb contents found there.

Congratulations to the following students who received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award:
Michael Peck
Acting Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12
Jiya Jimu
Congratulations to Jiya Jamu, who was recognised in NSW Parliament as Port Macquarie's Lions Club Youth of the Year.
MacKillop College nominated Jiya for her outstanding academic performance, community contributions, and leadership qualities. Jiya progressed to the district round after winning both the local and regional rounds of the awards process. She recently contested the district round in Armidale.
As part of her nomination, Jiya was required to present both prepared and impromptu speeches to a panel of judges, and she was interviewed by the Lions Club.
Jiya was an excellent representative of the college and now has an honourable mention in the state government's Hansard records.
Well done, Jiya.
Andie McGrath
Andie competed in the Half-Ironman competition on the weekend, and despite feeling dreadfully sick during the run, she completed the race in 8 hours. Amazing effort, determination, and courage. Great stuff, Andie.
Tallara Duck
Completed a half marathon on the weekend in Sydney. Finishing in 2 hours and 9 minutes. It looks like the park runs aren’t enough for her anymore. Well done, Tallara.
Tom Ryan
Tom has made the NSW under 18's AFL team. He plays against South Australia in Adelaide this weekend at Centre-Half forward/Full forward. Tom is training with the Sydney Swans Juniors. Congratulations Tom.
Bruce Smith
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
Music News
“Music, great music, relaxes the mind, awakens profound sentiments, and is, as it were, a natural invitation to raise one’s mind and heart to God in every situation of human existence, both joyful and sad. Music can become prayer.” Pope Benedict XVI
Ensemble Rehearsal Timetable: Term 2
Time | Venue | Director | |
Concert Band | Monday Day 1, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Cara Stewart |
Pop Choir | Tuesday, Day 2, 7.45am - 8.40am | Theatre | Sam Adams |
SAPSS Junior Drumline | Tuesday, Day 2, 3.30pm - 5.30pm | College Hall | Mark Spence |
Junior Percussion | Wednesday, Day 3, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Mark Spence |
Collective | Wednesday, Day 3, 7.45am - 8.40am | Chapel | Rob Denham |
SAPSS Senior Drumline | Wednesday, Day 3, 3.30pm - 5.30pm | College Hall | Mark Spence |
Senior Percussion | Thursday, Day 4, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Mark Spence |
String Ensemble | Friday, Day 5, 7.45am - 8.40am | J14 Music Room | Michaeli Witney |
Here at MacKillop, a positive culture of communal singing is developing. Communal singing is effective in bonding large groups; it improves our sense of happiness and wellbeing, and it develops a sense of belonging.
In order to nurture this culture, we invite the whole college community, including students, parents, and staff, to familiarise themselves with hymns frequently used at Mass and liturgies at the college.
Linked below is a PDF hymn book that contains the refrains and choruses of these hymns and a link to YouTube recordings. Our hope is that this hymnbook will develop confidence and familiarity when singing as a community. We invite you to take a look, listen, and sing!
Music Ensemble Sign Up Form 2024
Music Tuition Request Form 2024
Instrument Rental Agreement 2024
Please get in touch with Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
(St Agnes Church) Week 2 - Sunday March 12, 5.00pm, Collective Praise Band & Singers
(Chapel) Week 3 - Wednesday May 15, Period 1, Collective Praise Band & Singers
(Theatre) Week 4 - Wednesday May 22, Period 1, Collective Singers & Choir
(College Hall) Week 5 - Monday May 27, Period 1, Collective Praise Band & Singers
(College Hall) Week 5 - Wednesday May 29, Period 1, Senior Percussion Ensemble, Collective Praise Band & Singers
Please get in touch with Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport News
Students in Years 9 and 10 will be selecting an elective sport in Week 4 for Sport Weeks 6–10 of this term. It is imperative that all students do this on time and are reminded that it is a first-in-best-dress scenario as we have to adhere to specific student-teacher ratios. Students who fail to complete the form will be placed on sports detention until the survey is completed.
If students are away, they can still complete the online survey by accessing the link that is sent to them via their email accounts.
The consent form and payment form will be sent to parents via Compass. This is a legal requirement that must be completed before Week 6.
Please note that there is no contract sports option available in Term 2.
St. Joseph's Regional College vs. MacKillop College
The HASTINGS VALLEY INTER-SCHOOL COMPETITION Sporting Organisation was created after recognising the opportunities for secondary colleges in the southern half of the Diocese of Lismore to formalise the available options for sporting competition between all colleges involved. The opportunity has arisen for students involved to meet and compete on a more regular, structured basis with colleges from the southern half of our diocese. Not only will this foster better competition when the colleges involved compete at a diocesan championship, but it will also increase collegiality between students and staff of all schools.
The organisation aims to prepare each school team for the more significant diocesan events by providing an opportunity for all schools to select and prepare teams for these competitions. It is hoped that the selected teams will participate and strengthen to become a cohesive unit and perform to their best ability.
By integrating sporting activities amongst our Catholic schools with the lives of the surrounding parishes, we give our young people a sense of belonging to a wider church beyond families and our own schools. It is hoped that Catholic values such as collaboration, teamwork, commitment, and the ability to win graciously and to lose with dignity can be promoted.
Your child has selected one of the following sports based on the preferences provided in the Inter-school Sport Nomination Google form.
- Rugby League: Venue: St. Joseph's Regional College
- Futsal: Venue: Indoor Stadium
- Touch Football-Venue: St. Joseph's Regional College
- Fast 5 Netball-Venue: Macquarie Park
- Volleyball-Venue: St. Joseph's Regional College
- Table Tennis-Venue: MacKillop College
- Street Basketball 3x3-Venue: MacKillop College
Term 1 Sport was full of action, with so many sporting opportunities on offer. We had over 350 students represent the college in Term 1, which is outstanding with representation in the following sports:
Swimming, Diving, Touch Football, Rugby League, Football (Soccer), AFL, Tennis, Triathlon, Golf, Cross Country, Rugby Union, Basketball, Surfing, Futsal, and Netball.
Term 2 looks set to be another busy term. To stay up-to-date, families are reminded to read the fortnightly newsletter, and students are reminded to read the morning notices and also check their emails and Google Classroom for important information that will be communicated regarding sport for Term 2.

NSW All Schools Tennis Championships
Congratulations to Noah Pociask, who last term represented the NSWCCC Tennis team at the NSW All Schools Tennis Championships.
Noah should be extremely proud of his performance, finishing third overall and narrowly missing out on progressing to the Pizzey Cup (the top 2 progress). We know how much Noah has been working on his Tennis, and to reach this level is admirable. Well done.
The MacKillop College Under-14’s Futsal teams played extremely well in a tough competition!
The Girls A team progressed to the semi-final and played the top-ranked SCAS team for a final score of 2-0.
The boys teams played exceptionally well and only narrowly missed competing in the finals.
Well done to all of the players!
- Girls A: Sienna Button
- Girls B: Amelia Pettit
- Boys A: Oto Ryan
- Boys B: Aiden Miles
Roxy Montgomery
U13 Girls and Boys FUTSAL
Congratulations to all the students that represented MacKillop College at the U13 Futsal tournament on Wednesday, April 3rd.
We had two boy teams and one girl team compete in the tournament. The MacKillop Yellow team consisted of Chris Bullock, Johnny Davidson, Nikita Polorasky, Flynn Pociask, Harrison Blackman, Patrick Blackman, Angus Hawken, Sam Dicker, and Sebastian De Somma. This team was very competitive throughout the day, and they were unfortunately knocked out of the competition in the semi-finals. This game was extremely close going into extra time. Well done to all the boys, and congratulations to Patrick Blackman, who was the best and fairest for this team.
The MacKillop White team consisted of Kavi Mohanaranjan, Jaxon Radford, Tyler Dutton, Alex Boath, Riley Richards, Thomas Robb, Noah Marchant, and Sam Tarbox. This team tried their very best every game but unfortunately missed out on the semi-finals. The best and fairest for this team is awarded to Kavi Mohanaranjan; congratulations.
The girls team was fantastic all day, making it to the grand final. This was a very exciting game for the girls, and everyone tried their best. The game finished with three goals, all of which led to extra time. After the extra time, the score was still a draw, so this led to penalty shootouts. Unfortunately, the opposing team won the penalty shootout, so the girls finished second. All the girls should be very proud of their efforts, and additionally, congratulations to Chelsea Hodges, who was awarded Best and Fairest for the team. The girls team consisted of Hannah Ryan, Stephanie Gould, Chelsea Hodges, Amalee Welch, Olive Tait, Madeline Cooley, Sophie Hanson, Asha Maher, Breanna Butt, and Meela Munro.
Renae Bignell & Tahnee Johnston
15’s Boys
A fantastic day out for our U15 Futsal boys. With three fantastic teams competing on the day, a high level of play was shown by all. The MacKillop gold team came home with a second-place finish after a close 2-1 loss to Great Lakes in the Grand Final. All three teams had excellent showings and played their hearts out.
MVP: The MVP for the day goes to Xavier Dunn, who was a defensive stalwart for Team Gold while also effectively assisting the offence.
U15 Girls
The two teams, MacKillop Yellow and MacKillop Blue, showed excellent sportspersonship and competed hard throughout the day with mixed results. MacKillop Blue approached every game with enthusiasm until they met their friends from MacKillop Yellow in the quarterfinals, losing 2–0.
MacKillop Yellow were victorious in all of their pool games except for the lone draw with eventual winners, MVAC. Due to the structure of the draw, they went on to meet MVAC again. In the semi-final, and despite having many chances, they were sadly beaten 1–0. Overall, it was a great day, and both teams played very well, with some standout passing, defence and goals from Ziva Balkin, Nyah Villigrain Eichmann, and Charlotte Taylor. Lacey Ryan was excellent in goal, and Hannah Gresswell’s great skill and leadership were on display in every game they played. MVP: Hannah Gresswell (yellow).
Dave Kennedy
Congratulations to all the students that represented MacKillop College at the U19 Futsal tournament.
We had three boy teams and one girl team compete in the tournament. The MacKillop Yellow team consisted of Hunter Mayes, Liam Mercer, Cody Mills, Cooper West, George Worner, and Ethan Hatch. This team was very competitive throughout the day, and they were unfortunately knocked out of the competition in the quarterfinals. Well done to all the boys, and congratulations to Liam Mercer, who is the best and fairest for this team.
The MacKillop Black team consisted of Billy Cutcliffe, Lochie Jones, Fletch Irwin, Alex Ball, Riley Judd, and Jake Olsen. This team had a lot of fun while also being competitive; unfortunately, they were knocked out of the competition in the quarterfinals. The best and fairest for this team is awarded to Fletch Irwin; congratulations.
The MacKillop Blue team consisted of Jarvis Lineham, Jack Merrick, Ashley Bell, Jamie Merrick, and Noah Gunn. This team improved every game, which led them to progress into the grand final. Unfortunately, they lost their final game; however, they should all be extremely proud of their achievements. The best and fairest for this team is Jarvis Lineham; congratulations.
The girls team was fantastic all day, making it to the grand final. This was a very exciting game for the girls, and everyone tried their best. Unfortunately, the girls team finished runner-up in the competition. All the girls should be very proud of their efforts, and additionally, congratulations to Grace Davies, who was awarded Best and Fairest for the team. The girls team consisted of Freya Briggs, Grace Davies, Kyla Roach, Zoe Mizzi, Lara Woolfe, and Abby Buttsworth.

Lismore Diocesan Open’s Soccer: Southern Championships
Last term, our Open Girls Soccer team started their 2024 campaign in fine form, winning all three games at the Lismore Southern Open’s Soccer Championships held in Kempsey.
- Coffs: Win 3 nil
- Regional: Win 1 nil
- Kempsey: Win 12 nil
It is clear that not only do we have great strike power in our team, but our strong defence has laid the platform for our midfield to counterattack, easily setting up opportunities for our players up front to find the back of the net. Well done to Charlotte Taylor, Sophie Gallagher, and Abby Buttsworth, who all bagged a hat trick each. MPV: Sophie Gallagher. Player’s Player: Abby Buttsworth

Open Boys
The boys galvanised, warmed up strongly, and were full of enthusiasm for what lay ahead. When talking to them about their ambitions for the day, the message was clear: We wanted to win!
Looking at the draw, our day started with the toughest opponent at John Paul College of Coffs Harbour. They started brightly and had the lion's share of possession; however, we were able to cope with their attacks and even mount our counterattacks on occasion. Unfortunately, we were unable to withstand their attacks and eventually went behind. A second goal was conceded in the dying minutes to land us a 2–2 defeat.
Next up was Newman College. Another tough opponent, and after our opening loss, an even more important match to put our best foot forward. While we had plenty of possession within our opponent's 18-yard box, we were continually unable to put the ball in the back of the net. Eventually winning the match 1-0 was great; however, we lacked the ruthlessness in front of goal to take the maximum points from this match.
After the lunch break, we faced St. Paul’s Kempsey. We played some good football, and with a tweak in formation and a more direct approach, we were able to establish dominance from the early stages. At 3-0, the game was in our hands; however, this was inevitably a dangerous lead. In the latter stages of the match, we let slip and were, in some ways, lucky to walk away with a win, eventually taking the match 3-2.
Last up was St Joseph's Regional College. After a poor start, with us conceding from the kick-off. We warmed into the match, which was evenly contested. With two goals in quick succession, we took the lead at halftime. Unfortunately, injuries and fatigue set in, and we had nothing left to give. Regional scored a couple of goals late on, and the game was over. 4-2 to Regional.
Throughout the day, the boys showed great sportsmanship and respect for our opponents. They are to be commended for their efforts in what is a massive day of football. Well done, boys!
Tom Salter
Ride the Wave High School Surf Competition
MacKillop College has recently attended the Ride the Wave schools challenge. The waves offered some nice shape, providing plenty of opportunities for both girls and boys to catch some fun rides. There was a mix of lefts and rights, catering to all styles of surfing.
The boys from MacKillop College showed exceptional skills today, securing a well-deserved second place in the competition finals. Despite fierce competition, they displayed great determination and technique in the water, catching some impressive waves and executing smooth manoeuvres.
Our girls' team proved to be strong contenders, showcasing their talent and dedication in both heats. demonstrating excellent surfing ability and sportsmanship throughout the event.
Overall, MacKillop College surfers put on a fantastic display of surfing ability and represented their school with pride. With such talented individuals, the future looks bright for MacKillop College's surfing team. Keep shredding those waves, and congratulations to all the participants on a job well done! MVP- Boys Harry Hudson, Girls, Annabelle Broderick.
Megan Verdon, Zac Nancarrow, Adam O’Brien
Ride the Wave

AFL Regional Championships
The Open Boys AFL team had a very successful opening to their NSW AFL Regional Cup campaign, finishing the local round of the competition undefeated, allowing them to progress through to the North Coast Finals in Coffs Harbour in early Term 2.
The first round game was played in wet and slippery conditions, and after a slow start, the boys easily accounted for a strong team from St. Columbia, who moved the ball well in the trying conditions.
Game 2 saw the boys come up against an under-strength group from Camden Haven High School. This game proved to be a runaway victory, allowing the boys to really refine their skills and processes as they headed into a game 3 derby against St. Joseph's Regional College.
What started out as a tight and torrid affair soon opened up into a masterclass of running football. The boys from Mackillop accounted for a strong St Joseph's Regional team in round 3, showing accuracy in their kicking and a real commitment to winning the ball.
Congratulations to all involved in what was a very enjoyable day. MVP: Cooper Sheldon
Adam Kelly

Open Girls
The Opens Girls attended the NSW AFL Regional Championships on Thursday, April 4th, at Wayne Richards Park. The girls blew me away with their "get in there and give it a go" attitude. With only a few of them having had much previous experience playing AFL, they utilised their skills from other sports and stood out from the crowd. They won both games convincingly before rain interrupted play, and we were unable to complete the final game.
Matilda Medlin stood out with her knowledge and experience; she utilised her skills to direct play. Abby Buttsworth and Charlotte Weatherly were strong in the ruck, and Indie Murray used her height and determination to score goals from the forward pocket. Pippa Wilson was a surprise package with her all-round skill set and knowledge of the game. The best and fairest goes to the humble and unassuming Daisy Pees, who ran the ball, scored goals, and tackled fearlessly.
Overall, we had a fantastic day. Anna Gleeson and I thoroughly enjoyed taking the girls away. They were excellent ambassadors for our school. I look forward to our next match, where we will be up against strong competition in Sawtell.
Andrea Huxley

NSW Northern AFL Selection Trials
Congratulations to Oto Ryan, who made the Northern AFL team last term. Oto will now trial for the NSWCCC team in May, and we wish him all the best for his selection.

Bianca Harrison
NSWCCC Swimming
Congratulations to Bianca, Owen, and Madilyn, who represented the Lismore Diocese on Thursday at the NSWCCC Swimming Championships at Sydney Olympic Park.
Bianca Harrison: silver medal 50m breaststroke (swimming a national qualifying time), 5th 100m F/S, 5th 50 F/S, 6th 100m breaststroke, 12th 200m.
Owen Hilkemeijer: 6th 100m Bk, 8th 200m IM, 6th 100m Fly
Madilyn Tinley: 8th 400m F/S
We wish Bianca all the best as she represents the NSWCCC swimming team at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships to be held this month.
Lismore Diocesan Netball Trials
We had the first Lismore Diocese Netball Team trials in Coffs Harbour on Friday, April 5.
We were lucky enough to have 10 girls trialling, including Lara Inman, Lily Dunshea, Tallara Duck, Piper Wilson, Claire Pieren (Open’s Team), Geremiah Fernando, Tilly Sinclair, Milla Pieren, Zoe Townsend, and Charlotte McEntyre in the Under 15 Division.
After a 20-minute warm-up, the girls played a round-robin of four games each. The level of skill the girls brought to the day was impressive.
Congratulations to the following girls who made it into the Lismore Diocesan Netball teams:.
Open’s team: Lily Dunshea, Claire Peiren, Tallara Duck, and Piper Wilson.
Under 15's: Tilly Sinclair, Charlotte McEntyre, and Zoe Townsend.
Both teams will play at the NSWCCC Netball Selections. The U/15’s in Penrith in May and the Open Team in Sydney in August. Best of luck to all of our girls.
A big thank you to Lane Jordan, who came along for the day to umpire. This always makes the day seamless with our very own qualified umpires.
Amy Ryals
NSWCCC Touch Championships
U15s Boys and Girls/Opens Boys and Girls
A number of MacKillop College students travelled to Tuggerah to compete in the NSWCCC Touch Championships as members of the various Lismore Diocesan teams. It was an opportunity for them to mix it with some of the best junior touch players in NSW.
In cold and windy conditions, the teams competed over two days, including a couple of nighttime matches. All teams were competitive and managed to notch up a few wins between them.
All players are to be congratulated on their representative achievements and for being outstanding representatives of our college.
MacKillop students who represented the Diocesan touch teams were:
- Open Girls: Jenna Bryan, Milla Swain, and Charlee Bailey
- Open Boys: Cooper Lorger and Cruz Lewis
- U15 Girls: Tilly Sinclair, Darcie Gleeson, Matilda Medlin, and Claire Morris
- U15 Boys: Rafferty Gordon, Lachlan Walters, Tobias Rowlatt, Jack Franklin, and Rocky Mann
Warren Lorger

Northern Country Rugby League Trials
Late last term, the following MacKillop students travelled to South West Rocks to represent the Lismore Diocese at the Northern Country Rugby League Selection Trials: Cooper Lorger, Arliah Morris, Milla Swain, Autumn Curtis, London Curtis, Mason White, Jack Franklin, Rocky Mann, and Rafferty Gordon. Players from the Lismore, Armidale, and Newcastle Dioceses all trialled with a very strong display of talent amongst the teams.
Congratulations to the following students who were successful in making their respective Northern Country teams and will travel to Wyong and Sydney in May to trial for the NSWCCC Rugby League Teams.
Under 15 boys: Jack Franklin, Mason White, and Rafferty Gordon.
Under 16 Girls: Milla Swain, Arliah Morris.
All registrations for MacKillop College sports teams are completed by students by logging into the school Moodle page. Go to the Student Links tab on the left-hand side and click on the Representative Sports Registrations link. Click on the relevant sport and fill out the Google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up and when trials will occur.
The following sports are open to all boys and girls in each sport to register for trials:
- Year 11 & 12 Netball - Boys and Girls
- Touch Football - Boys and Girls
- Rugby League - Boys and Girls
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Denham.
Click on this link to register: MacKillop College Representative Sport Registration Link.
Sport | Event | Date |
AFL | Open Boys and Girls Regional North Coast Final | May 13 |
Touch Football | 7/8 NSW All Schools Touch Football | May 15 |
Touch Football | 9/10 NSW All Schools Touch Football | May 16 |
Rugby League | Teagan Berry Cup Girls 9s | May 17 |
Hockey | NSW CCC Hockey Bathurst | May 20 - 22 |
Rugby League | Country Cup Rugby League Boys | May 22 |
Lismore Diocesan Events
Sport | Event | Date |
Cross Country | Diocesan Cross Country | May 17 |
NSWCCC & NSW All Schools Events and Registration
All individual sports registrations are completed on the CSNSW.SPORT website. The parent must have an account and add their child to have access. (Sport Registration HELP available on sport info page) SEE BELOW sports open for registration.
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal or Leader of Sport approval.
Registration is through the CSNSW.sport portal. Details on how to register – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>.
Please note all close dates are firm dates. No registrations will be permitted after the close dates.
Sport | Event | Date |
Basketball | 18’s NSWCCC Boys & Girls Selections | May 13 |
Basketball | 16’s NSWCCC Boys & Girls Selections | May 14 |
Football (soccer) | NSWCCC 16’s Boys Selections | May 17 |
Hockey | NSWCCC Hockey Bathurst | May 20 |
Rugby League | NSWCCC U18 & U16 Girls Selections | May 20 - 22 |
Rugby League | NSWCCC U18 & U15 Boys Selections | May 24 - 25 |
CSNSW Sport - Upcoming events open for entry
Individual registrations via CSNSW. Sport portal.
- NSWCCC Basketball – 18s Boys & Girls 13 May – Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre; 16 Years Boys & Girls 14 May - Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre; Students must be of a rep level.
- NSWCCC 15 Years and Opens Hockey Selections – Close 10 May
15s & Opens Boys & Girls 20 May – Cooke Hockey Complex, Bathurst; Students must be of a rep level. Student Official pathway also available.
- NSWCCC Hockey Championships – School Based – Extended Close 10 May
School based competition – entry by School Sport Coordinator. Boys & Girls Junior and Open divisions. 21 & 22 May Cooke Hockey Complex, Bathurst
- NSWCCC 16 Years Boys Rugby Selections – Close date 10 May
Individual registrations as an Expression of Interest. 16 Years Boys – 3 & 4 June. Rowland Park, Daceyville.
- NSWCCC 17 Years & Under Water Polo Selections – Close date 17 May
Boys - 27 May 8:30am – 12noon; Girls – 27 May 12:00pm – 3:30pm – Ryde Leisure and Aquatic Centre. Student Official pathway also available.
Individual registrations via Sports Unit DASH portal – Canoeing log in >> For More Information >>Click Here 25 & 26 May South Grafton & Jackadgery.
- NSWCCC 18 Years Boys Rugby – Close date 28 May
18 Years Boys – 3 June. Rowland Park, Daceyville.
- NSWCCC 16 & 18 Years Girls Rugby Selections – Close date 28 May
16 & 18 Years Girls – 4 June. Rowland Park, Daceyville.
- NSWCCC Opens Basketball Championships -School Based – Close date 3 June
School based competition – Diocesan Champion teams only – entry by School Sport Coordinator. Boys & Girls Open divisions (Yrs 7-12) 19 & 20 June – Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre
Other Sports Opportunities
Pathway sports this term which has a diocesan pathway to NSWCCC – please check with your Diocese – the pathway may be underway and closed for trials.
- 15 Years & 18 Years Boys Rugby League – NSWCCC selections – 24 & 25 May at St Marys Rugby League Stadium
- 16 Years & 18 Years Girls Rugby League – NSWCCC selections – 21 & 22 May at Morrie Breen Oval, Wyong.
- 19 Years Boys & 18 Yrs Girls Football – NSWCCC Championships/selections – 28 & 29 May at Valentine Sportpark, Glenwood
- NSWCCC Cross Country Championships – 5 June at Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park.
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport/
The selection for these events are a result of the NSWCCC events.
Sport | Event | Date |
Swimming | NSW All Schools Swimming Championships | May 30 - 31 |

HUDSON - 5th in Australia!
A massive congratulations to Hudson McNeil who recently competed at the Sunshine Coast in the Surf Life Saving Australian Championships. Hudson came 5th in Flags - 5th in Australia is such a worthy achievement. Congratulations Hudson, we are super proud of your results.
If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Canteen Update
Monday 13 May
Vanessa Aird & Michael Richards
Tuesday 14 May
Jenny Murray, Julie Tipper & Chris Pees
Wednesday 15 May
Elizabeth Wootton (L1) & Sarah Dahalenberg (L2)
Thursday 16 May
Noeline Rooney
Friday 17 May
Sam Harrison, HELP PLEASE
Monday 20 May
Mayo Brumby (L1 and L2) & Amanda Lorger L2
Tuesday 21 May
Vanessa Wilson & Louise Moore
Wednesday 22 May
Bec Eakin & Jaci Zimmerman
Thursday 23 May
Sue Ryan & Tracey Reddie
Friday 24 May
Mel Collins, Louise Pearce & Priscilla Turnbull
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
All orders are to be in by 8:00am, please.
Please ensure when ordering online that your child year group is correct.
There is hot food available over the counter to purchase, however, to avoid disappointment it is best to order.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten-free pies $5.00 and gluten-free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking is needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half-hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email at maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Maths Tutorials
Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson

Homework Hub
Community News
All parents are warmly invited to attend the upcoming Parent Assembly Conference to be held on June 15 at Opal Cove where we'll delve into the theme "Your Child Our Schools: Nurturing Hearts and Minds."
Discover valuable insights and strategies to support your child's holistic development. Register soon as places fill quickly.