Term 2, Week 2, 5 May
Upcoming Events
Principal's Update
Assistant Principal - Mission
Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
You're Invited
Journey into the Catholic Faith for Teens
Ocean Drive Duplication – Closure of Underpasses
Support students in their schooling life
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 12
Creative Arts News
Music News
Sport Update
Canteen Update
Maths Tutorials
Upcoming Events
Week 3 Term 2 | |
Monday 8 May | NSWCCC Basketball |
Tuesday 9 May | Year 9/10 Girls Netball NSW Schools Cup College Review - Parent consultation |
Wednesday 10 May | Girls Bill Turner Soccer College Review |
Thursday 11 May | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition College Review |
Friday 12 May | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition College Review |
Week 4 Term 2 | |
Monday 15 May | Year 8-10 Learning Conversations |
Tuesday 16 May | Mid North Coast Da Vinci Decathlon |
Wednesday 17 May | Mid North Coast Da Vinci Decathlon |
Thursday 18 May | NSWCCC Rugby League - Boys |
Friday 19 May | NSWCCC Rugby League - Boys |
Principal's Update
Parent Feedback Opportunity
Once again I would like to extend an invitation to parents to come into the College during Week 3, on Tuesday 9 May 2.45 - 3.30 pm to meet with external reviewers who will be conducting a 4-day review of the college. The reviewers will be chatting with over 85% of staff, and a number of students and would love to meet with some parents also.
The parent conversation will be in a small group of 4-6 parents and be an informal discussion about how the College meets the learning and well-being outcomes of young people and the involvement of parents in achieving these outcomes. (There are no right or wrong answers). If you are interested and can attend the College during this time please let us know via this link.
Year 7 2024 Information Night
Thank you to all students and staff who provided a wonderful showcase of what a fantastic school MacKillop College is on Tuesday evening to our Year 6 students and families. There has been amazing feedback on the friendliness and pride of students and the dedication and professionalism of the staff. Thank you to all students, staff, and special thanks to our maintenance team who worked tirelessly to have the College looking fantastic. If you have a Year 6 student wishing to attend MacKillop College in 2024 applications are now open.
I was delighted with the representation of MacKillop students at the 2023 ANZAC March. Over 90 students from Years 7-12 participated in the March, as members of the Drumline and their local cadet groups. Year 11 student, Maeve Kinchington had the honour of giving the Main Address. Maeve spoke beautifully about the lessons of resilience and mate-ship that our servicemen and women have passed on to today’s young people. A copy of Maeve’s address will be included in the next newsletter.

Thank you to local indigenous artist Lori-ann McKinnon who created an amazing mural at the College over the Easter holidays. The mural represents the five totems of the Birpai Region and a meeting place where students and staff learn together.

Support students in their schooling life:
The Kathleen Briscoe Tuition Scholarship directly supports students with proven financial need in our local Catholic schools. Scholarships help support students in their high school years by fully or partially covering their school fees for the full six years of education. What a wonderful gift for a deserving child! Would you like to help support someone’s future? Please consider donating to our Charity: stagnesparish.org.au/giving/appeals/.
Emergency Management Planning
The safety of our students, families and staff is our highest priority. In order to best ensure this, the MacKillop College leadership and staff, supported by the Catholic Schools Office, plan for a number of possible incidents, emergencies or natural disasters that could take place at school or during the school term. The events of recent years have reinforced how important this planning is and we all have a role to play when it comes to emergency management, including families.
Our students participate in various safety drills and staff participate through training and safety drills. We’d like to share with you the role of parents and families in emergency management.
School Lockdown
A number of the situations we plan for include a school lockdown as one of the immediate safety actions to ensure the safety of our students and staff. We understand that some may understand the word ‘lockdown’ to mean there is an immediate safety risk to all students. It is important to understand that when a school initiates a lockdown this may not be the case.
Depending on the situation, the purpose of a school lockdown will differ. A school lockdown may be a preparation step for an evacuation, or a school lockdown may allow emergency services access to an area of the school without having to navigate past students. Regardless of the purpose of a school lockdown, no one can be admitted to the school grounds other than emergency services.
Should we initiate a school lockdown, parents and families will be informed via text message and [insert name of app] notification. We will also inform parents and families as soon as the school lockdown has been lifted or if there are any actions required of parents and families. It is important that you do not attempt to attend the school during a school lockdown. We understand that you may be concerned however attending the school may also add risk to a possible emergency situation, block emergency services or impede an evacuation.
Natural Disaster
In the event of a natural disaster, such as flood or bushfire, the school leadership, supported by the Catholic Schools Office, will determine if it is safe for the school to open. If there is a probability the school may have to close part way through the day, the school will not open for that day as it is extremely difficult to evacuate a school site and ensure all students are able to go directly home safely.
In a bush fire or flood event it is important that parents and families have a plan to get your child/ren home from school, or into your care, at short notice. Please be aware that school buses may not be running and the school can not allow your child/ren to go home to an empty house or home with another parent without your permission.
Family Preparedness
How can you help us prepare for emergency situations? Please ensure that:
- You have downloaded the SCHOOLZINE APP and have allowed notifications.
- Any changes to your contact details or custodial arrangements have been updated with the school.
- You have a bush fire/flood plan in place that all members of your family understand.
- In the event of a school lockdown or evacuation, directions in the parent notifications are followed.
It is always our hope that these measures will never be needed but it is also our responsibility to ensure our school community is prepared and informed should the need arise. We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Cath Eichmann (Principal) and
Nigel McIntyre (Work Health and Safety Manager, Catholic Schools Office)
Assistant Principal - Mission
Year 11 Christian Outreach Program
Each Thursday evening, MacKillop College has taken responsibility for a shift with local charity, Make a Difference Port Macquarie, feeding homeless residents of Port Macquarie. A group of over twenty, Year 11 students have volunteered. They are ably supported in this initiative by a similar number of MacKillop staff members.
Our students and staff members completed their second shift this week. This is a simple, meaningful display of faith in action.

National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week celebrations commence with Sorry Day Mass on Friday, 26 May. Over this week, Australia celebrates both the 1967 Referendum (27 May) and 1990 Mabo Agreement (2 June).
Sorry Day - Annually on 26 May in Australia, National Sorry Day reminds our nation to remember the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
1967 Referendum - Changes to the Constitution, in which the petition called for changes to sections 51 and 127.
The change to section 51 would result in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being counted in the official figures collected in the census. This means Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders would be recognised as part of the Australian population.
The changes to section 127 would place responsibility for creating policy and laws regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with the Federal Government. This means the states would no longer create individual laws for mob but instead the federal government would, and the laws regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait people would be the same across the country.
The Referendum was the most successful in Australian history, with 90.77% of the respondents voting ‘Yes’.
Mabo Case - The Mabo Case challenged the existing Australian legal system from two perspectives:
- On the assumption that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had no concept of land ownership before the arrival of British colonisers in 1788 (terra nullius).
- That sovereignty delivered complete ownership of all land in the new Colony to the Crown, abolishing any existing rights that may have existed previously.
Mabo ultimately won the case. This led to the passing through Parliament of the Native Title Act (1993).
Reconciliation Prayer
Holy Father, God of Love,
You are the Creator of all things.
We acknowledge the pain and shame of our history
and the sufferings of Our peoples, and we ask your forgiveness.
We thank you for the survival of Indigenous cultures
Our hope is in you because you gave your Son Jesus to reconcile the world to you.
We pray for your strength and grace to forgive, accept and love one another, as you love us and forgive and accept us in the sacrifice of your Son.
Give us the courage to accept the realities of our history so that we may build a better future for our Nation.
Teach us to respect all cultures.
Teach us to care for our land and waters.
Help us to share justly the resources of this land. Help us to bring about spiritual and social change to improve the quality of life for all groups in our communities, especially the disadvantaged.
Help young people to find true dignity and self-esteem by your Spirit.
May your power and love be the foundations on which we build our families, our communities and our Nation, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Wontulp Bi-Buya Indigenous Theology Working Group 13 March 1997 Brisbane, Qld).
God bless
Peter Murphy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching
Years 8, 9 and 10 Learning Conversations
On Monday, 15 May (Term 2 Week 4) we will be holding a Learning Conversations evening in the College Hall on the junior site from 4.00 pm - 7.30 pm for families with children in Years 8, 9 and 10.
This is an opportunity for parents to put a face to the name of their child’s teachers and share any knowledge that they feel would strengthen our partnership.
If these dates do not suit you, or your child’s teacher is not available, I encourage you to make contact (by phone or email) with your child’s teachers.
Daniel Blackman, Leader of Inclusion and Diversity, will also be available if you wish to book an appointment. He can discuss any diagnosis your child may have and the options for in-class adjustments, intervention programs or co-curricular activities.
As per all conversations in relation to our student’s learning, we encourage your child to also attend the evening. These interviews are one part of the very important process of our students gaining the most from their schooling and provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet to ensure open and collaborative communication which assists students not only in their learning but in their growth as young men and women.
In addition to class teachers, Jo Pilgrim our Leader of Careers and Pathways will be available for Year 10 students via the booking system.
You can now book interviews at times that suit you at www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions.

Please ensure you provide your full name, and your child’s full name when entering your details. Please note bookings will close on Friday, 12 May.
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately.
Interviews are strictly 5 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time, please contact teachers directly to make alternative arrangements.
Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address you used when you made your original booking.

Years 7-11 Student Learning Profiles
As we end the term, all students from Years 7-11 will be issued with a Student Learning Profile (SLP). This is a snapshot of your child's approach to learning across all of their subjects. These reports are issued via Schoolworx and can be accessed by following the instructions in the link below. If you have any questions or concerns please make contact with your child's teacher via email or alternatively make an appointment for our upcoming Learning Conversations (Years 8-10) next term.
Schoolworx Parent Portal Guide
Christine Harmer
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
NSW Youth Advisory Council 2024
Would you like your voice to be heard?
Would you like to discuss topics and provide feedback on issues,
policies and procedures affecting young people?
Apply to be a member of the NSW Youth Advisory Council for 2024.

NSW Youth Advisory Council 2024 – Applications Now Open
Applications are open for the 2024 NSW Youth Advisory Council. Children and young people between 12-24 years of age living in NSW are encouraged to apply. Council members are sought from diverse locations, backgrounds and life experiences. The 12 member YAC advises the NSW Government on subjects relevant to young people across the state. Applications close 21 May 2023.
More information on the NSW Youth Advisory Council as well as how to apply here.
You're Invited

Journey into the Catholic Faith for Teens
Ocean Drive Duplication – Closure of Underpasses
Please note the following information from Ditchfield’s Community Liaison Representative.
The Ocean Drive Duplication project began in late 2022 and as part of this project we have been advised regarding two pedestrian underpasses as follows:
- Underpass 1 (near Matthew Flinders Drive and Lighthouse Plaza) will close midyear;
- Underpass 2 (near Jonas Absalom Drive) closed in April.
They will be closed for approximately six months.
The extended underpasses will be fitted with new lighting and make up part of the pedestrian network that, when the project is complete, will also connect to an expanded off-road shared user path and on-road dedicated cycle lane.
Ocean Drive can be difficult to navigate especially during peak hours and pedestrian movements will be monitored periodically for pedestrian safety during the closures.
Drivers are requested to look out for pedestrians, especially at roundabouts, and follow construction speed limit signage. Pedestrians, please take care or plan your journey around these closures when possible.
Please note that the underpass between MacKillop College Junior and Senior sites is not impacted as it is outside the Ocean Drive Duplication.
Support students in their schooling life

The Kathleen Briscoe Tuition Schloraship directly supports students with proven financial need in our local Catholic schools. Scholarships help support students in their high school years by fully or partially covering their school fees for the full six years of education. What a wonderful gift for a deserving child! Would you like to help support someone's future? Please consider donating to our Charity: Appeals – Giving (stagnesparish.org.au)
Year 7
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term 2 to all students and families! It is wonderful to see how easily Year 7 has settled back into the routine of school. It is a pleasure to see students reconnect with their friends in the playground and be so positive about continuing their learning experiences with peers and teachers in class.
The start of a new term is the perfect time for a check-in with your young person both emotionally and academically and a great time to focus on what we want to achieve over the next 10 weeks. During the break, you would have had the opportunity to sit down with your child and read their Term 1 Student Learning Profile. I encourage parents/carers to have some honest conversations with their child about what their strengths are and how they can continue to build on and use these strengths to improve areas of weakness. The resource below has some conversation starters you can use to see how your child is feeling as the year progresses.
School Photos
What a beautiful group of well-presented young people! Year 7’s Code of Presentation was impeccable for their formal school photo and will be an important record of their first year at high school and a cherished memory I’m sure in the future. If your child was absent today, they should wear their white uniform (and pack their sports uniform to change into if they have Sport) on Monday, 15 May when catch-up photos will be held.

Congratulations to Harry Creighton who has received a Silver Principal’s Award.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Mira Arnold, Annabelle Ashton, Jonah Barnes, Kayla Bayer, Chelsea Brown, Lachlan Bryant, Aaron Cotovich, Ruby Cramp, Harry Creighton, Olivia Edmund, Lucy Ford, Jake Gainsford, Sam Hewens, Kajus Horan Juzenas, James Hunt, Lucia Hurdle, Talia Kapila, Milla Kelly, Tobi Lawler, Indy Lorger, Charlotte Newman, Amelie Obeid, Amelia Pettitt, Maya Pryce-Boylan, Zali Santos, Jakob Schmidt, Tilly Sinclair, Sophia Sivell, Lenny Spitzer, Tahlia Thompson, Zoe Townsend, Georgia White and Ruby Williams.
I know there are many more students yet to hand in their merits and I look forward to celebrating their success soon.
Best wishes.
Adam O’Brien
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
Welcome Back
A warm welcome back to Term 2 for students and families! It is wonderful to see how easily Year 8 have settled back into the routine of school glad to reconnect with their friends in the playground and be so positive about continuing their learning experiences with peers and teachers in class.
Tell Them From Me Survey for Carers
As part of our focus on school improvement, MacKillop College is participating in an online survey for parents and carers - Tell Them From Me® (TTFM®). The survey provides us with valuable feedback on what our families think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that carers interact with the school.
Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve. You have been emailed the link separate from the newsletter.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey measures include such topics as emotional and social well-being, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. The survey also allows carers to give their thoughts and feedback in open-ended question responses.
Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If, during the survey, you are uncomfortable answering any question, you should leave it blank and move on to the next one.
We value your feedback and input to help MacKillop College respond to the needs of parents and carers in their child’s education.
Year 8 Term 1 Student Learning Profiles
At the end of last term, Student Learning Profiles were made available. Each class teacher has indicated the level of achievement in a student’s approach to learning.
Your son or daughter can access these Profiles via their Schoolworx Learner Profile. Parents and carers are able to access these Profiles via the Parent Portal. See the link to do so: Access to Parent Portal
Year 8 Learning Conversations
On Monday, 15 May (Term 2 Week 4) we will be holding a Learning Conversations evening in the College Hall on the junior site from 4.00 pm - 7.30 pm for families with children in Year 8. This is an opportunity for parents to put a face to the name of their child’s teachers and share any knowledge that they feel would strengthen our partnership.
Please see booking details in the Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching section of this newsletter.
Upcoming Parent Webinar
Safe on Social is a leading company providing insightful, up-to-date information on social media trends. This site is offering a parent webinar Thursday, 25 May 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm on the topic Clearing the smoke - Navigating Vaping and Social Media for parental interest and information.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Charlie Cameron, Elijah Geddes, Patrick Green, Adam Hines, Camille Hostettler and Logan Howard.
Moving Forward into Term 2
With two weeks under our belts, hopefully, students are in the groove of school routines, striving for their personal best this term and making the most of what is on offer at the College.
PS: Don’t forget Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14!
Nicole O’Connell
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
Welcome to another very busy term where many students are already engaged in a variety of co-curricular and sporting events with many more to come. Tuesday saw all of Year 9 competing against our sister school, St Joseph’s Regional College, in a number of fun and competitive games which has been widely well-received.
Also, as things begin to ramp up in terms of assessments, just a reminder that students can access their assessment calendars via the link below. This should help with their planning and organisation in what will be one of our busiest terms.
Also below, is a flyer for a course, offered by Hasting Neighborhood Centre that may be something some of our students may be interested in attending.

Lastly, on Wednesday during our extended PC session, all of Year 9 will be completing our annual Anti-Bullying Survey. This weekend may be an opportunity for you to discuss with your child how they are feeling and any concerns they may have that could be mentioned in the survey.
Dave Kennedy
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10
Welcome back to Term 2.
Cold Weather
The cold weather has come around quickly and we are all rummaging around trying to find something to keep us warm before stepping out in the morning. However, only the MacKillop College jumpers and jackets are permitted to be worn at school. Students are not permitted to wear hoodies, visible undershirts or non-college jumpers. A plain black scarf may be worn with the college jacket or jumper and black tights may be worn, with the skirt, instead of socks.
If a jumper or jacket is required to get through the cold day, please come and see me and I will be able to help out.
Please remind your young person of the Code of Presentation on page 15 of the College Diary.

NF Awareness Month
The month of May is NF Awareness Month. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a set of three complex genetic conditions that cause tumours to form on nerve cells throughout the body and affects more than 10,000 people in Australia including young people in our school community.
If you would like to find out more about NF and how you can help support it, please go to https://www.ctf.org.au
I am also selling ribbons in support of the people in our community. Ask your young person to come and see me if they would like to purchase a ribbon.
Upcoming Events For Year 10
Week 4 – Monday 15 May – Year 8 -10 Learning Conversations
Week 5 – Tuesday 23 May – Mid Coast Careers Market – Port Macquarie Race Course
Week 5 – Thursday 25 May – Minimum Standards Writing and Catch-ups. History/Geography Task
Congratulations to Eva Philip who has received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award.
Daniel O’Dell
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12
Welcome back to Term 2 for all our families and staff.
Year 12 Awards Ceremony Friday 19 May 2023
All parents and carers are invited to attend the Year 12 Awards Ceremony in the Theatre on the junior site on Friday 19 May (Week 4) from 2.00pm-3.00pm.
Year 12 Half Yearly Reports
Year 12 Half Yearly Reports will be released on Schoolworx to families on Friday 19 May (Week 4).
Driving to School
With most of our Year 12 students currently driving themselves to and from school I would like to take this opportunity to remind our young adults of the importance of safe driving. There is no doubt getting your driver’s licence is one of the most significant events young people will experience during their teenage years, however this comes with immense responsibility. I would like to ask parents and carers to take some time to talk to their children about the importance of safe driving at all times including driving to and from school. Unfortunately, last term there were a number of complaints made to the College from parents, staff and residents of St Agnes Village about dangerous driving along Lochinvar Place as well as driving in and out of the College car parks. With large numbers of students, staff, parents and residents of St Agnes Village walking and driving around the College grounds it is very important our students drive slowly and cautiously at all times.
Tracey Bewicke
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
Creative Arts News
Easter Liturgy
At the end of last term, a number of students took part in our Easter Liturgy. A big thank you and shout out to our liturgical dancers and actors who helped make the liturgy so special.

Australian National Band Championships
On Saturday, 8 April the Port Macquarie Hastings Municipality Band journeyed to Newcastle for the Australian National Band Championships. Competing in an open-age division, the band comprised members including a MacKillop College student, teacher and instrumental tutor. On trumpet, Nathaniel Pohlmann in year 7 was the youngest player in the ensemble. Frank Rugers, peripatetic tutor, played the oboe and Ms Cara Stewart, music
teacher, played the alto saxophone. With the Concert band, they presented a test piece, a march, a sacred piece, and an own-choice selection. Competing against Lake Macquarie Winds, Hills Music Academy Concert Band and Hills Community Concert Band, the PMHMB placed 1st overall, after receiving first place in 3 of the 4 works performed.

2023 A4Art Prize Finalists Announced
The 2023 A4Art Prize has seen a creativity explosion across our six St Agnes’ Parish Schools with more than 450 entrants (over 10% of the student population), almost double last year's entries.
The standard of artworks in this year’s competition is truly remarkable. We have seen a range of genres including painting, drawing, origami, textiles, digital art as well as 3D artworks supported by thoughtful artist statements. It is incredible to see such a broad spectrum of creativity from a simple A4 piece of paper.
125 finalists were selected by expert judges across 14 categories including Kindergarten to Year 12, as well as the St Agnes’ Education Staff category.
A further 35 artworks were chosen as Packing Room Finalists. The ‘Packing Room Prize’ is a new category created for those artworks that may not have been chosen as a finalist by our Judges, or did not meet the criteria/terms and conditions of the A4Art competition, but have been chosen by Creative Arts Nest Team as standout artwork.
All finalist artworks will be featured in the A4Art Pop Up Exhibition, touring each of the St Agnes’ Parish Schools in the coming weeks, where visitors can vote for the People's Choice Award. They will also appear at ArtWalk 2023, June 9 in the Creative Arts Nest Tent on PMQ Town Green.
Over 400 artworks have been shortlisted and are available to view online and are now open for voting for the Community Choice Award at www.artsnest.com.au.
Category and award winners will be announced at the Finalist Event on the 22nd June, with all winners to be displayed at the Wauchope Creative Hub Art Gallery after the Finalist Event!
Congratulations to all artists.
The Creative Arts Nest would like to thank our sponsors:
St Agnes’ Education
- Sunset Framing & Gallery
- The Seed Creative Workshops
- Wauchope Creative Hub
- Affinity Helicopters
- Stoney Park
- Innervision Surf & Skate
- Alice in Paperland
- Drawn to Art
- Arthouse Industries
- Eckersley's Art & Craft
- Agostina’s Fine Foods & Catering
- Cassegrain
Wildnets Adventure Parks

Music News
MacKillop College Music News
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”- Martin Luther
Year 7 Jazz Band
It is wonderful to see and hear so many year 7 students participating in the concert band on Monday mornings. In an attempt to further develop and engage these students in music making we will be running an additional Year 7 Jazz Band rehearsal starting week 3 term 2. More information with regard to this ensemble will be communicated to students soon. This ensemble will be offered to students who play trumpet, trombone, saxophone, drum kit, piano and bass guitar only.
Rehearsal and Performance Absence
In the event that students are unable to attend a rehearsal or a scheduled performance families are encouraged to inform the respective ensemble director as soon as possible via email or by calling the front office. All scheduled performances and rehearsals are published here, in student notices and through the cocurricular music ensembles google classroom.
With so many events and performances coming up over the coming months it is important that ensemble directors are aware of attendance to ensure rehearsals are effective and performances presented in a way that ensures that everyone is comfortable and confident on stage.
Links & Forms
Music Ensemble Sign Up Form 2023
Music Ensemble Shirt Order Form 2023
Music Tuition Request Form 2023
Co curricular Music Google Classroom
Please contact Rob Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Upcoming Events
Youth & Family Mass (Ascension of the Lord)
- Sunday 21 May - St Agnes Parish Church, 4:15pm - 6:15pm, Collective Praise band & Slngers.
Reconciliation Mass
- Friday 26 May - College Hall, Period 1, Collective Praise band & SIngers.
Parish Visionary Day
- Sunday 28 May - MacKillop College, venue and times to be confirmed, Collective Praise
band & Singers.
Slice of Haven
- Sunday 28 May - Laurieton United Services Club, SAPSS Junior Drumline, 11:00am, SAPSS
Senior Drumline, 1:30pm.
Art Walk
- Friday 9 June - Venue and times to be confirmed, SAPSS Junior Drumline & Senior Drumlines.
Youth & Family Mass (11th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
- Sunday 18th June - St Agnes Parish Church, 4:15pm - 6:15pm, Collective Praise band & Singers.
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport Update
Term 2 Sport 2023
Representative Sport Success
NSWCCC Rugby Union Trials
Jacob Power, Riley Trotter and Jacob Queripel participated with 96 other Catholic under 16 boys for NSW for selection for combined Catholic colleges rugby under 16’s team held on 26th and 27th April in Daveyville Sydney.
Congratulations to Riley who has been selected as a shadow and to Jacob Power for being selected to represent the NSWCCC Rugby Union team.

NSWCCC AFL Selections
Congratulations to Riley Bates and Mitchell White who recently represented the Northern AFL Team at the NSWCCC AFL Selections held in Wagga this week. Both boys played great and enjoyed the experience to learn and grow.
88 boys played 4 games against each other over the two days and a team of 22 was chosen to represent NSW Catholic Schools in Albury.
Special congratulations to Mitchell who was selected in this team of 22 and will travel to Albury later this month to play at the NSW All Schools AFL Championships. Well done boys we are very proud of you.

Representative Sport, Upcoming Events, MacKillop College Events and Registrations
All registrations for MacKillop College Representative Sports teams are completed by;
- Logging into the school Moodle page (Chrome browser).
- Click on the Student Links tab on the left-hand side
- Click on the Representative Sports registrations link
- Click on the relevant sport and fill out the Google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up and when trials will occur.
Click on this link to register. Sports currently open for registration are;
- AFL – Under 15s Boys and Girls
- Athletics Pre-events (High Jump, 400m, 800m & 1500m)
Sport | Event | Date |
Football | Bill Turner Boys v St Paul’s Kempsey at Kempsey | 8 May |
Netball | 9/10 Boys and Girls Schools Cup - Taree | 9 May |
Football | Bill Turner Girls v Melville at Melville | 10 May |
Basketball | NSW Basketball Open’s Championships - Penrith | 15 & 16 May |
Hockey | NSWCCC Boys & Girls Hockey Championships - Bathurst | 16 & 17 May |
Touch Football | NSW All Schools 7/8 Touch Football | 17 May |
Touch Football | NSW All Schools 9/10 Touch Football | 18 May |
Netball | 7/8 Boys and Girls Schools Cup & 9/10 Boys, Port Macquarie | 18 May |
AFL | Hastings Under 15s Boys & Girls Gala Day – Port Macquarie | 24 May (TBC) |
Rugby Union | Rugby 7s Port Macquarie | 21 June (TBC) |
Touch Football | NSW All Schools 11/12 Mixed Touch Football – Port Macquarie | 25 May |
Rugby League | Cochrane Cup – Under 14s Rugby League Port Macquarie | 30 May |
Rugby League | Katrina Fanning Cup – Girls Rugby League | 30 May |
Athletics | MacKillop College Athletics Carnival | 20 June |
Netball | Fast 5 Netball – Year 11 & 12 Mixed Port Macquarie | 23 June |
Lismore Diocesan Events and Registrations
The following sports are currently open for students to be able to sign up to or register their interest to trial. These sports have been advertised to students through morning notices over the past week.
Please click on the link below to register for the sports.
Sport | Event | Date |
Football | Open Boys North v South Soccer at Coffs Harbour | 11 May |
Cross Country | Diocesan Cross Country Grafton | 19 May |
Football | Diocesan Football Gala Day (Soccer) 7-10 Boys, 7-9 Girls Coffs Harbour | 6 June |
Touch Football | Diocesan Secondary Touch Football Gala Day South – Port Macquarie | 26 June |
NSWCCC Events and Registrations
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal or Leader of Sport approval.
Registration is through the CSNSW.sport portal. Details on how to register – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>
Please note that the NSWCCC Sports registrations for individual nominations for 2023 selections are open for the following trials:
Sport | Event | Date |
Basketball | NSWCCC Open Basketball Trials – Terrigal | 8 May |
Basketball | NSWCCC Under 16s Trials - Illawarra | 9 May |
Football | NSWCCC 16 Years Boys Trial - Sydney | 10 May |
Hockey | NSWCCC Hockey Trials – Bathurst | 15 May |
Rugby League | NSWCCC RL Girls Trials - Penrith | 17 & 18 May |
Rugby League | NSWCCC RL Boys Trials - Penrith | 18 & 19 May |
Football | NSWCCC Football Championships - Sydney | 22 & 23 May |
Basketball | NSWCCC Open Basketball Championships – Port Macquarie | 29 & 30 May |
Cross Country | NSWCCC Cross Country - Sydney | 13 June |
Rugby League | Australian School Boys and Girls Rugby League | 30 June-8 July |
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport/
NSW All Schools Events
The selection for these events is a result of the NSWCCC events.
Sport | Event | Date |
Swimming | NSW All Schools Swimming Championships - Sydney | 1 & 2 June |
Diving | NSW All Schools Diving Championships - Sydney | 2 June |
Hockey | NSW All Schools 16 Years Hockey – Bathurst | 15 & 16 June |
Community Sport
Bodyboarding - Chase Wins Bodyboarding Cadets At The Jeff Wilcox Memorial 2023
Congratulations to Chase Thompson who won his bodyboarding final in the Cadets age group at the Jeff Wilcox Memorial in Tuncurry last weekend at Bluey’s Beach and Tuncurry Beach.
Chase picked up a sponsorship with Science Bodyboard at the end of last year and together with the support and encouragement from the crew at the Port Macquarie Bodyboarding Association and his passion and dedication to improvement has resulted in him being #1 on the podium!!
The Jeff Wilcox Memorial was set up in honour of the sad passing of the young Great Lakes bodyboarding enthusiast. It’s a triple crown event attracting bodyboarders of all ages from Grommets to Grand Masters, from locals to internationals.
Chase won his semi-final with a top score total of 13.17, one of his waves scored a whopping 8.17 out of 10!
With under a minute to go in the final, Chase moved to first and hung on with a 6.4 wave score, winning the final with a top score total of 12.03. He couldn’t believe he had won!
With his eagerness to learn and improve his skills, Chase is constantly in the waves at Lighthouse, Flynn’s and the world-famous Town Beach Breakwell. He draws his inspiration from local legends including three-time world champ, Damian King, and the “big Chase” O’Leary!
Chase is looking forward to upcoming events including The Future Pros in QLD, The Baron Viner and Port’s Goose Gosby Memorial. He’d love to encourage more young kids in Port Macquarie to grab a bodyboard, join the PMBA (it’s free for children) and have a go! It’s fun!
Well, done Chase, you certainly are a great ambassador for a sport that has a proud tradition here In Port Macquarie.

If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
Monday 8 May
Vanessa Aird & Trish Carr (Lunch 1), Kim Goldie (Lunch 2)
Tuesday 9 May
Jenny Murray & Julie Tipper
Wednesday 10 May
Danielle San Gupta & Roz Brockhurst
Thursday 11 May
Jo Sexton & Chris Jourdant
Friday 12 May
Allie Tamanti, Caroline Horan, Leanne Hatherly & Hana Smith
Monday 15 May
Natalie Junge (Lunch 1), Trish Carr (Lunch 2) & Amanda Lorger
Tuesday 16 May
Vanessa Wilson & Louise More
Wednesday 17 May
Bec Eakin & Sarah Dahalenberg
Thursday 18 May
Help Please
Friday 19 May
Jane Keegan, Christine Brumby, Hannah Temple & Sam Harrison
Many thanks to the parents that helped on Year 7 Information Night
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
All orders are to be in by 8.00 am, please.
There is hot food available over the counter to purchase, however, to avoid disappointment it is best to order.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten-free pies $5.00 and gluten-free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Maths Tutorials
Tuesday 7.45am-8.30am and Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson