Term 1, Week 2, 10 February
Principal's Update
Beginning of Year Mass
On Wednesday we celebrated a beautiful Beginning of Year Mass where the theme for all St Agnes’ Catholic Parish schools was introduced. This year's theme is Justice, emphasising the importance of looking after others and creating a fair and just community.
Father Roland also spoke of the importance of being loved and loving others if we wish to find true joy and happiness. This resonated with our College goals for 2023 of being authentic witness to the life and love of Jesus, and building positive relationships for all in our College community so that everyone feels known, respected, connected and valued.
It was a beautiful way to start our school year.

New staff
In last week's newsletter a number of new staff were introduced. Below are images of the remainder of our new staff to introduce this week.

Tom Salter

Kirsty Bell

Erinn Smith

Keira Bardell

Keatin Nowak

Susie Coster
School Improvement 2023
At our Beginning of Year Assembly last week I spoke to students about what we as a College community would like to achieve in 2023, areas we would like to improve. I also spoke about the goals, actions and behaviours we would like to see from every member of the College community to help us achieve our goals and continue to improve the already awesome school that we have. I highlighted to students how, if we are to achieve our goals, we must align our behaviours and actions.
I connected the areas for improvement and our 2023 goals with our Code of Behaviour Expectations. These behaviours sit under four headings of We are like Jesus, We are Learners, We are Respectful and We are Safe.
Below is what I shared with students. I encourage parents to discuss how your young person can contribute, through their behaviors and actions, and perhaps create their own individual goals.
Our purpose:

Our priorities:
Goal 1: For students and staff to have a deeper understanding of, and to be more authentic witnesses within, our faith community.

Goal 2: To improve student outcomes through purposeful engagement.

Goal 3: Improved wellbeing for students, families and staff by all feeling known, respected, connected and valued.

I look forward to working with students, staff and families in 2023 on our School Improvement Plan and goals.
Pick-up Safety:
Parents are reminded please do not park in the College pick-up or bus zones between 7:45am - 9:00am or between 2:45pm - 3:45pm. As you are aware traffic is problematic during these times and we need to ensure a safe environment for students, staff and families. Everyone is also asked to use the crossings at all times. Parents are asked to park in the designated car-parks OR to delay pick-up until after 3:25pm. Students are supervised until 3:45pm or may even attend Homework Club in the College Library until 4:15pm. .
Homework Club:
The Senior Homework Club is open 3:15pm- 5:00pm for Year 11 and 12 students Monday - Thursday in the JMC Student Centre and the Junior Homework Club is open 3:15pm-4:15pm for Year 7-10 students Monday - Thursday in the College Library.
In 2023 the following assistance will be provided for students in the Junior Homework Club:
Day 1 - General
Day 2 - English
Day 3 - English
Day 4 - Science
Day 6 - General
Day 7 - Mathematics
Day 8 - RE
Day 9 - Science
Can I please ask that parents assist each morning by ensuring students' uniform meets the College Code of Presentation. In particular the girls skirt length (to the top of the knee) and their earrings (plain gold or silver sleeper or stud) as well as checking that all students are wearing the College socks and shoes that comply with the Code of Expectations. I thank you for partnering with us to ensure the high standard of presentation.
Cath Eichmann
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Welcome to all families to our new school year. The MacKillop College mission aims to encourage and support all members of our community to achieve the fullness of life; that is to thrive.
Our #weThrive wellbeing program promotes six domains we need for individuals and our community to thrive.
Here are some ideas to enable all children to thrive in Term 1.
Encourage them to take our Term 1 #weThrive challenge and see the results!
Jennifer Campbell
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Year 7

Adam O'Brien
I am Adam O’Brien and it is my privilege as the Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care to be working with your child’s PC teacher with whom you spoke in the #WeThrive conversations last week.
I am excited to engage with Year 7 and help guide our youngest cohort through a smooth transition into our MacKillop community. Alongside your child’s PC teacher, I endeavour to support your child’s wellbeing so they may rise to any challenge with positivity and resilience, and flourish this year as they embark on their high school journey.
Year 7 PC Team
I am privileged to work with an amazing Year 7 Pastoral Care team. If parents and carers ever need to alert your child’s PC teacher to any issues that impact their wellbeing, please email them:
7F1 | Laura Cudmore Rachel Clark | |
7F2 | Lisa Wilton | |
7I1 | Erinn Smith | |
712 | Roxanne Montgomery | |
7M1 | Bradley Vergano | |
7M2 | Christa Morrow | |
7M3 | Madeline Philipson Nicole Gough | |
7O1 | Brent Lowrey Mitchell Buchtmann | |
702 | Colin Coelho |

Tom Salter
We also we welcome Tom Salter to the role of Stage 4 Leader of Pastoral Care tom.salter@lism.catholic.edu.
It is vital all parents and carers are familiar with our College Codes of Behaviour, Presentation and Use of Digital Technologies found in your child’s school diary, and sign the Parent Agreement on page 22 so that we can work in partnership as a College community.

The College diary is one of our key methods of communication and diaries are to be signed on a weekly basis by carers. Teachers and students will use the diary to record tasks, reminders and important information. Carers are also encouraged to write, date and sign notes in the diary as a quick means of communication. Working together is key to assisting our young people to achieve their personal best.
A Great Start
Congratulations Year 7 for making such a positive start to your first year at MacKillop College! It was wonderful to see everyone smiling and welcoming each other over our first days together. It is my goal to ensure that all Year 7 students develop a sense of belonging to our college community over the coming term.

The transition into secondary school is a significant milestone for students and their families. With 226 students in Year 7, I encourage all students to focus on three things this term:
- Be friendly and kind – There are many possibilities to expand friendship groups. I encourage each student to reach out to others and be open to working with new people;
- Be curious - there is a lot of new information so LISTEN well first then ASK any questions you have; and
- Be positive - high school life is new and interesting but there will be challenges. Together, we can figure anything out!
Upcoming Events
Our swimming carnival is planned to be held at Port Macquarie pool next Wednesday, 15 February. Students are encouraged to attend school as usual in the morning, dressed in their House colours. Please note that students must wear a rash shirt and swimming shorts (board shorts or bike shorts are acceptable); covered footwear, a hat and sunscreen are also requirements. Swimwear designed for competitive activity is permitted at the carnival. Whilst the canteen will be available for snacks, it is recommended that all students bring their lunch and a drink with them as there are limited opportunities to purchase at the canteen.
Please check your child does NOT bring their phone or device to the carnival. This is the best assurance to keep such expensive items safe. Photos will be available on the MacKillop Facebook page. Please ring the College Office if you need to get a message to your child throughout the day. This is a great community school event and our focus is on participating in swimming and cheering on peers to show House Spirit!
Tips for Parents of Year 7
Parents play a powerful role in helping each student make the transition to secondary school and settle into high school life. Please see these articles from experts to remind us all what it is like to move to a new, larger school.
Helping Kids Settle Back Into School
Adam O’Brien
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Schoolworx Parent Portal
For all the Year 7 parents and new families to MacKillop College, please see below a link on how to create a a parent log in for yourselves. This will be where you access your student's school reports as well as other information.
Year 8
Welcome back to the 2023 school year. It was great to see everyone smiling, refreshed and ready to make a great start to school as Year 8 students. I was heartened to recognise how much more relaxed returning students were, reflecting their confidence in school routines and comfort in the positive connections they have made with each other and staff. I was also so pleased to see their kindness extended effortlessly to the seven students new to our cohort at MacKillop.

Tom Salter
We have a wonderful Year 8 Pastoral Care team who have welcomed you already via email and are ready to guide your child through the Year 8 stage of their high school journey. In addition, we welcome Tom Salter who will work with us in his role as Stage 4 Leader of Pastoral Care as another support person for your son or daughter. Naturally, there will be new and different opportunities to help students grow as a person and a learner, and there will be changes and challenges along the way; working together is key to assisting our young people to achieve their personal best so please contact us about any matter impacting your child’s wellbeing at school - together we can figure anything out!
Our focus for Year 8 2023 is: #weConnect - Find happiness in making others happy

Year 8 will be encouraged to embrace this theme in their classes, in the playground and in their homes throughout the year, treating others the way they would like to be treated.
We will meet as a year group during PC from 8:45am in the Theatre every fortnight on Thursday, Day 9 to address matters relevant to navigating a happy school year.
School Diary
All students are expected to recommit to their terms of enrolment by signing the student agreement on page 22 of the school diary and there is a place for carers to also sign this page, acknowledging your support of our school policies.
Code of Presentation
Sometimes students challenge maintaining a high standard of presentation in wearing the school uniform or whether they wear the sports uniform on a school day they do not have practical lessons with “What does it matter?”
Here’s why it does:
It transfers.
Small details of high expectations — like asking students to keep their work areas impeccable —transfer excellence to everything they do as a class. Therefore, it’s a greater challenge to ask for supreme focus and hard work when their clothing, and by extension, their attitude, says “I don’t care.”
In fact, permissiveness in any one area of school standards leads to deterioration in the rest. High standards must be across the board.
Their pursuit of personal excellence is contingent upon our demand of every detail. It’s not the big things; it’s the little things that communicate our expectations: a positive classroom environment; cleanliness; clear policies and procedures; neatness; organisation; order; respect; dignity; responsibility and belonging. These are the foundation upon which we build an effective classroom, school, and community.
Please support your son or daughter to:
- communicate with you the days they can wear sports uniform as noted on their timetable (there are three days over the fortnight). Exceptions need to be discussed with me with a medical exemption document;
- own and wear a school hat in the playground and practical PDHPE lessons and sport. It is noted that areas in our diocese were identified last year as having the highest incidences of skin cancer in the state; and
- no necklaces or excessive jewellery or just an earring. Please see the Code of Presentation in the student diary.
In my role as Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care, I am looking forward to getting to know your child more, helping them to grow as people and learners and supporting them to achieve their personal best in 2023.
Nicole O’Connell
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
Welcome to 2023! Firstly, I would like to congratulate all Year 9 students on a smooth transition so far. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to have a #weThrive conversation with their child’s Pastoral Care teacher to start the year. The information shared in these meeting gives us a great insight into the students, their goals and how they have changed over the past couple of years. I would also like to introduce our Year 9 Pastoral Care team for 2023. These individuals should be your first point of contact if you have any issues or concerns regarding your child throughout the year.
9F1 David McMahon
9F2 Michelle Marino/Megan Verdon
9F3 Ryan Adams
9I1 Bronwyn Avery
9I2 Richard May
9M1 Tessa Stillman
9M2 Susan Eichorn
9O1 Dougal MacIntyre
9O2 Stephanie Connor
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me here at the school.
Best wishes.
Dave Kennedy
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10
Welcome back to all students and families for 2023. I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday break. Our focus and theme for Year 10 is a quote from St Mary of the Cross MacKillop:

I hope that the students understand and embrace this theme during 2023. Mary MacKillop reminds us that we often need to pause and think about all that God has done for us and how wonderful it is to have him in our lives.
General Reminders
The start of any year prompts us to remind students about the basics that are expected of them at school. It is a time to set standards and refresh our memories and to begin the year with the support of parents and caregivers.
Diary: Please encourage students to use their school diaries. It contains valuable information which is quite often referred to. Students have been asked to sit and read the diary with their parents/carers and to sign page 22, acknowledging support of these policies.
Uniform – Students are expected to follow the Code of Presentation and wear their uniform with pride and at an excellent standard. Some items such as shoes, jewellery, make-up, hair and sport uniforms need some focus as many students are not following the policy. We can remind Year 10 that it is their responsibility to be organised for the day ahead.
Respect: The Code of Behaviour Expectations provides a clear set of behaviours, expected of all, to enable self and others to thrive. Please sit and read this policy with your child so the expectations are set from Day 1.
Year 10 Information Night
Tuesday, 21 February will be the Year 10 Information Evening for parents only. This will run from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the College Theatre on the junior site. Information will be presented from the Teaching and Learning team in regards to assessment, Record of School Achievement and transitioning to Year 11. The wellbeing of our young people will also be a focus on the night and it is also a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers of our Year 10 students.
To assist us with arrangements, we would be grateful if you would RSVP to the invitation sent out this week.
Year 10 Pastoral Care Team 2023
10 Flinders 1 | Kate Cowan | |
Amy Ryals | ||
10 Flinders 2 | David Pugh | |
10 Innes 1 | Danny Murphy | |
10 Innes 2 | Michael Peck | |
10 Macquarie 1 | Nikki Lutton | |
10 Macquarie 2 | Phil Magick | |
10 Oxley 1 | James Way | |
10 Oxley 2 | Rochelle Fineanganofo | |
10 Oxley 3 | Fiona Nancarrow |
Daniel O'Dell
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11
Year 11 has made a wonderful start to their senior schooling. Heads down, tails up as they make the adjustment into the changing workload and homework expectations that are anticipated in senior school. The first two weeks are a time for settling in, establishing relationships and building routine.
Parents - how can you help your child?
Last week I spoke to year 11 about goals and systems.
At this early stage it would be great if your son or daughter could think about a goal for their senior years. What do they want to achieve? Where do they want to go after school finishes? What university course do they want to do? Having something to aim for makes it far more likely that they will adopt the next steps in order to achieve their goal.
Putting the correct systems in place
Systems are habits. Systems are things you adopt that help you achieve goals.

For example;
- I want to get an ATAR of 90, and go to university to become an engineer.
- I have no devices in my room from 7:00pm till 9:00pm every night;
- I use a whiteboard in my room to record when things are due;
- I make list of what I need to achieve before I leave homework club and I don’t leave until I’m finished;
- On weekends, I do homework on Saturday morning so that the rest of my weekend is free.
These are examples only, and every student is different. Systems that work for one person will not necessarily work for another. Our students are still working out what works for them, and deciding what systems to put in place.
As parents it would be great if you could chat to them about the systems they’re trying, giving them your wisdom, helping them stick to a weekly/fortnightly routine by supporting that in the household, and telling them that the small changes they make, the small sacrifices, will help them to achieve big dreams.
It’s an exciting time for our young people, and I’m excited about helping them become organised, independent, community minded young men and women who will make a difference.

Year 11 students on one of their first days as senior students
Year 11 Information Evening
Our Year 11 Information Evening is being held as follows:
When: Monday, 13 February
Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Lochinvar Centre
For more information about this evening please refer to the invitation emailed earlier this week.
Bruce Smith
Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12
Welcome back to all our Year 12 students and their families for 2023. I look forward to working with your young people again this year as they start their last year of schooling at Mackillop College. There is no doubt 2023 will be a big year, not only for our Year 12 students but also their families who will ride the rollercoaster of ups and downs, excitements and tears and probably a few meltdowns along the way. Rest assured your young men and women will be well supported by our staff. Please do not hesitate to contact me throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns.
Start of Year Liturgy
The school year started last week with a Year 11 and 12 Liturgy together in the Lochinvar where our Captains Lennox Jensen and Fleur Sherlock welcomed the Year 12 cohort back for 2023 and also welcomed the new Year 11 students to MacKillop and senior schooling. College Vice Captains Elliott Worner and Tess McWilliams also gave their 'Words of Wisdom' to the new Year 11 students with their tips on how best to “Thrive at MacKillop in their Senior Schooling”. The Liturgy was a wonderful start to the school year and a great opportunity for our senior students to join together and create a sense of community for 2023.

Parents and Carers BBQ Breakfast - Week 3
As we begin the final year of your child’s schooling we would like to invite you to join us for breakfast on Wednesday, 15 February from 8:00am on the senior site near the canteen area. We value the importance of community and parent/carer partnerships as we work together to support your child through Year 12. The breakfast will involve our Year 12 students, parents, carers and Year 12 PC teachers and will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with students, parents and staff who will be involved with your children this year.
All parents have been sent a Google Form this week to complete if you are able to come to the breakfast.

Congratulations to William Kelly who has been selected in the U/18 Sydney Swans AFL Development Squad for 2023. This is a wonderful achievement for any student and we wish him luck with his training and future sporting endeavours.
Tracey Bewicke
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
Pancake Tuesday Breakfast
Free Webinar for Parents
Music News
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”- Martin Luther
The role of the Co-curricular Music Program at MacKillop is not only to provide musical enrichment to students but to provide a service to the parish and to the community. Ensembles participate in local festivals and events, provide music for Mass, attend workshops, perform at College assemblies and participate in band tours and competitions both nationally and internationally. Through these experiences we hope to nurture a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, community, cultural and spiritual service and a pure love of making and sharing music with others.
The music staff are excited to offer an extensive ensemble program. There are many proven benefits of learning a musical instrument relating to brain development. Playing music within an ensemble setting builds upon such benefits and reinforces social interaction, teamwork, discipline and goal setting. Furthermore, it is imperative that students understand the importance of their ensemble membership. Ensemble members are expected to regularly and punctually attend rehearsals, participate positively and respectfully, understand their role as part of a team and participate to the best of their ability in performances. In order to maintain the positive growth of the music ensemble program, students are asked to adhere to the expectations provided below.
Sign Up!
Students interested in participating in the co-curricular music ensemble program in 2023 are to complete the google form linked below. ALL students from Years 7-12 need to complete the form regardless of previous involvement in the program.
Ensemble members are expected to attend all rehearsals, performances, workshops and special events throughout the year. As a courtesy, students are required to inform their ensemble director of any planned absences prior to a rehearsal or event. Rolls are taken at all rehearsals, performances and workshops. Students with unexplained absences will be required to provide written explanations signed by a parent or carer to the leader of co-curricular music. It is important that students arrive to rehearsal five minutes before the scheduled start time to ensure that time is not lost to setting up instruments. Students are to move as quickly as possible to lunch rehearsals from class.
Understandably, there will be times when students are late to rehearsals or performances for a wide range of valid reasons. Ensemble directors and the leader of co-curricular music will always keep this in mind when discussing absence with students and parents.
Details related to uniform at performances, workshops and special events will always be outlined to students in written excursion notes and provided verbally in rehearsal. All students participating in college ensembles are required to purchase a shirt to wear at performances by completing the form linked below:
This shirt is to be worn with black trousers, white socks and white shoes at all performance events on request from the ensemble director.
Students are to see the music trainee at rehearsal or in break times in the rehearsal rooms or staff workroom to order a shirt. Sample sizes will be available for students to try on. I encourage students to order a slightly larger shirt if in lower year groups. This performance shirt will be able to be worn across all MacKillop College and SAPSS Ensembles into the foreseeable future.
Rehearsal times for all ensembles are set out in the MacKillop College Rehearsal Schedule which is made available to students through the co-curricular music google classroom page and is printed in the newsletter. Rehearsal schedules and other information is also posted on the music notice boards outside music classrooms and rehearsal spaces.
As a courtesy, students are required to inform their ensemble director and the leader of co-curricular music in writing if they are no longer able to commit to membership of an ensemble. This information will assist with future planning.
The ensemble timetable for Term 1, 2023 is included below to assist with organisation. Please read over this information and take note of times and venues.
Music Tuition Program
Many aspiring music students of today often find “DIY” musical instrument teaching resources through online courses, apps and youtube courses. Whilst such technology is a good aid for learning, research states that the best way to learn a musical instrument is through individual tuition from an expert teacher. Furthermore, the Stage 6 music curriculum requires students to perform for assessment on an instrument of their choice. It is therefore necessary for schools with an interest in music excellence to provide opportunities for students to learn an instrument. As part of the co-curricular music program students are provided with the opportunity to arrange private instrumental tuition directly with tutors at their homes or studios, or at school in breaks or during class time.
Students wishing to join the music tuition program are invited to contact the Co-curricular Music Coordinator by using the Music Tuition Request Form provided in the links and forms section below.
The Co-curricular Music Coordinator will then contact a suitable tutor on your behalf to check availability. The tutor will then call you directly to confirm and arrange a suitable lesson time.
Instrument Rental
A wide range of band instruments are available for hire including trumpet, trombone, clarinet, flute, saxophone, violin, guitar and bass guitar. The cost for instrument hire is $70 per term. Instruments can be rented to own upon request. This rental period is negotiable and will vary depending on the value of the instrument. These fees are invoiced to your Subject & Activities Statement each Term. As these fees are considered ‘extra-curricular’, this amount must be paid by Week 6 of each Term and must not at any time run into arrears. Please advise the College if your method of payment is via Bpay so that it can be matched accordingly. The first term of rental is free to allow students time to “settle” with the instrument.
The College will be responsible for minor repairs. Accessories such as reeds, valve oil and strings will be the student’s responsibility.
Co-curricular Music Google Classroom
All members of the co-curricular music ensemble program are required to sign up to the Google Classroom that will provide important information throughout the year. It is also possible for parents to sign up to this classroom providing you have google accounts. If you would like access to this classroom please follow the link below to sign up.
Links & Forms
Music Ensemble Sign Up Form 2023
Music Ensemble Shirt Order Form 2023
Music Tuition Request Form 2023
Co curricular Music Google Classroom
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport Update
Term 1 Sport 2023
Swimming Carnivals
The annual MacKillop College Swimming Carnivals are being held during Week 3. The junior carnival is on Wednesday, 15 February and the senior carnival is on Thursday, 16 February. Students and families are reminded that the carnival is a compulsory school day and if your child is unable to swim due to injury or illness, they are to see Mrs Denham with a note explaining why they cannot participate. Students can be helpers at the Carnival if unable to participate.
- Students are allowed to wear their House colours to and from school, and are reminded to wear enclosed footwear and to bring their swimmers, rash shirt, hat, towel and sunscreen.
- Students are to come to school and will be transported by bus to and from the pool. If students wish to be picked up from the pool, a signed and dated note from their parent needs to be provided to their PC teacher in the morning.
- The 100m freestyle is swam during the senior carnival, however for the junior carnival the 100m freestyle will start prior to the carnival. Students need to be at the pool at 7:45am ready for an 8:00am start. If your child wishes to participate in this event, they need to register online through the school Moodle site, Student Links, Representative Sport Registrations.
- Students who wish to be considered to swim the 400m freestyle at the Diocesan Swimming Championships are to submit times through the Lismore Diocese Sport website – click on the registration link. Applications close Thursday, 23 February.
On line registration for Freestyle 400m
- http://sport.lism.catholic.edu.au
- Registration
- Click on- 2023 Lismore Diocesan Swimming -400 metres Freestyle Application, 2nd March at Kempsey
- Submit Application
- Appropriate swim wear: The school has a policy on appropriate swimwear for any water activity. All students are requested to wear a rash shirt to protect them from the sun. Girls are ONLY permitted to wear full piece swimmers or two piece sports swimmers. Triangle bikinis are NOT permitted – if these are the only swimmers that your child has they will be required to wear a rash shirt or t-shirt over their swimmers on the day.
- Spectators – we welcome spectators and parent helpers at our carnivals
Finally, the swimming carnivals are a highlight on our school sport calendar. This is a day where students can embrace our House spirit and get involved. All that we ask is that students get involved in either the competitive or novelty events, and support the House Leaders to make our carnivals fun and enjoyable.
Junior | Adam O’Brien | Nicole O’Connell | David Kennedy & Tom Salter | Glen Littler & Dan O’Dell |
Junior | Cooper Lorger | Jarvis Lineham | Charlee Bailey | Falyn Carle |
Senior | Bruce Smith | Tracey Bewicke | Ed Smallwood | Lisa Kable |
Senior | Harper Murray | Benjamin Hamel | Josh Newton | Isabella Morris |
Year 7 Sport Term 1 – Swim and Survive 2023
Year 7 students commenced their swimming Program this week. Students are reminded to bring to school with them their swimmers, towel, rash shirt and shorts (bike pants are acceptable) to participate.
If your child cannot participate in sport, please provide a note to your child’s sport teacher providing a reason why your child cannot participate. Parents received a permission note for students to participate in the course. This should have been returned.
Year 8
Year 8 Sport will be in full force in Week 3. Students will participate in Soccer, Touch Football and a Basketball Program. This program is super exciting as Port Macquaire Dolphins have two American basketball professionals coming out to schools to teach basketball skills in a fun environment. Andrea and Andre were very popular last week. This is part of the Australian Schools Sporting Fund that we access each term.
Year 9
A massive congratulation to Year 9 who completed their CPR Certificate during sport this week. We welcomed in four lifeguards from the Australian Lifeguard Service to put the students through their paces. Our students passed with flying colours.
Students will commence the practical skills at the beach next week - students are required to bring appropriate swimmers, shorts (or bike pants), towel and sunscreen. High visibility rash shirts will be provided.
Please ensure your child has a towel, hat, rash shirt or singlet, swimmers and shorts (bike pants are acceptable) for their swimming lessons. If your child has a wetsuit it is recommended that the students bring this each week.
If your child cannot participate in sport due to injury or illness please provide a note to Mrs Denham providing a reason why your child cannot participate. Parents received a digital permission note for students to participate in the course. This should have been returned by now.
Year 10
Year 10 students commenced their elective sport this week. Students are to be commended on the positive start to sport. We received two phone calls from venues commending the behaviour and level of engagement of our students. Well done Year 10. We introduced two new sport options this term: 1) Wildnets & Waterpolo 2) Box 2 Burn which students loved.
Parents are required to provide permission for their child for sport. Please ensure the digital permission form has been completed. Students doing contract sport are required to sign in through the front office before 11:15am ready for Period 3. Failure to be at school on time will place contract sport in jeopardy.
MacKillop College Upcoming Events and Registration
All registrations for MacKillop College sport teams will be completed by students via logging into the school Moodle page. Go to the Student Links tab on the left hand side and click on the Representative Sports Registrations link. Click on the relevant sport and fill out the google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up, and when trials will occur.
Click on this link to register.
Term 1 2023
Sport | Event | Date |
Swimming | MacKillop College Junior Swimming Carnival | 15 February |
Swimming | MacKillop College Senior Swimming Carnival | 16 February |
Lismore Diocesan Events and Registration
Please note that the following sports are currently open for students to be able to sign up to or register their interest to trial. These sports have been advertised to students through morning notices over the past week.
Please click on this link below to register for the sports.
Sport | Event | Date |
Touch Football | Diocesan Individual Touch Football Selection Trials – Sawtell | 21 February |
Swimming | Diocesan Swimming Carnival – Lismore | 2 March |
Rugby League | Diocesan Opens & U15 Rugby League Selections Boys and Girls – Lismore | 7 March |
Football (Soccer) | Diocesan Open Football – Boys and Girls Trials – Lismore | 7 March |
Tennis | Diocesan Tennis – Tweed Heads | 10 March |
Rugby League | Rugby League northern selection Opens/U15s Boys and U18 & U16 Girls trials – South West Rocks | 29 March |
NSWCCC Events and Registration
NSWCCC 2023 Sport Registrations for pathway sports are now open.
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal or Sport Coordinator approval
Registration is through the CSNSW Sport portal. Details on how to register:
- Create a User ID for your child (you may already have one) Getting started guide for Parents
- Register via the CSNSW.sportportal
Please note that the NSWCCC Sport registrations for individual nominations for 2023 selections are open for the following trials:
Sport | Gender | Registration Closing Date | Date of event |
Cricket | Open Boys | 6 February | 14 & 15 February |
Tennis | Boys & Girls | 17 February | 27 February |
Baseball | Boys | 24 February | 7 March |
Softball | Boys & Girls | 10 February | 13 & 14 March |
Golf | Boys & Girls | 3 March | 14 March |
Triathlon | Team & Individual | 15 February | 23 & 24 February |
Water Polo | 17 Years & Under Boys & Girls | 21 April | 1 May |
Swimming & Diving | Boys & Girls | 31 March | 31 March |
Touch Football | Boys & Girls | Based on Diocesan Selection | 3 & 4 April |
Community Sport
Congratulations to Will Kelly who was recently selected in the Under 18 Sydney Swans AFL Squad. This is a fantastic achievement Will – we are extremely proud of you. Will now travels to Sydney every Thursday to train with the team.
If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
Monday 13 February
Vanessa Aird & help please
Tuesday 14 February
Jenny Murray, Chris Pees & Julie Tipper
Wednesday 15 February
Swimming Carnival
Thursday 16 February
Amanda Ayres & help please
Friday 17 February
Jane Keegan, Hannah Temple & Sam Harrison
Monday 20 February
Chris Pees, Amanda Lorger & Trish Carr
Tuesday 21 February
Vanessa Wilson & Louise Moore
Wednesday 22 February
Jaci Zimmerman & Amelia Browne
Thursday 23 February
Sue Ryan & Tracey Reddie
Friday 24 February
Mel Collins, Priscilla Turnbull & Jen Wickham
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
All orders to be in by 8:00am please.
There is hot food available over the counter to purchase, however to avoid disappointment it is best to order.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange a credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten free pies $5.00 and gluten free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Homework Hubs

Maths Tutorials
Tuesday 7.45am-8.30am and Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson